Garden Gate – October 2019

(Michael S) #1 | GARDEN GATE 79

few seedheads next to frequently
used paths. This way you’ll be sure
to see them even in fall and winter.
You’ll get the best show by leaving
larger clumps of seedheads. Mix up
the head shapes, too. Grow spikes,
rounded forms and airy clumps for the
best contrast. And because seedheads
tend to be dark and small, they’ll often
show up best if they’re in front of a
simple, solid background.
One of the best things about
leaving seedheads is that they feed
the birds. Make sure the birds notice
them — also leave some standing
near your best bird feeders.
However, some plants may be
aggressive seeders, even to the point
of becoming pests. So if your garden
is small or if you don’t want to deal
with a lot of spring seedlings, here’s
what to do: Deadhead at least some
of the spent blooms, leaving just a
few for winter interest.

is lined with grasses, shrubs and
perennials. The mix of heights makes
it feel comfortable and the variety
slows visitors down because there’s
lots to examine along the way. A path
lined with knee-high sheared hedges
would have visitors zipping to the
other end. These same hedges pruned
just above eye level might make the
trip down the path a bit unpleasant.
Picture yourself walking down the
path in the illustration below. You
may feel as if you were in a tunnel and
might be wary of your surroundings.

PHOTO: © Rob Cardillo

GG14967_83_BONUS.indd 79GG14967_83_BONUS.indd 79 6/26/2019 12:37:25 PM6/26/2019 12:37:25 PM | GARDEN GATE 79

few seedheads next to frequently
used paths. This way you’ll be sure

to see them even in fall and winter.
You’ll get the best show by leaving
larger clumps of seedheads. Mix up

the head shapes, too. Grow spikes,
rounded forms and airy clumps for the
best contrast. And because seedheads

tend to be dark and small, they’ll often
show up best if they’re in front of a
simple, solid background.

One of the best things about
leaving seedheads is that they feed

the birds. Make sure the birds notice
them — also leave some standing
near your best bird feeders.

However, some plants may be
aggressive seeders, even to the point
of becoming pests. So if your garden

is small or if you don’t want to deal
with a lot of spring seedlings, here’s
what to do: Deadhead at least some

of the spent blooms, leaving just a
few for winter interest.

is lined with grasses, shrubs and
perennials. The mix of heights makes

it feel comfortable and the variety
slows visitors down because there’s
lots to examine along the way. A path

lined with knee-high sheared hedges
would have visitors zipping to the
other end. These same hedges pruned

just above eye level might make the
trip down the path a bit unpleasant.
Picture yourself walking down the

path in the illustration below. You
may feel as if you were in a tunnel and
might be wary of your surroundings.

PHOTO: © Rob Cardillo
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