Innovation & Tech Today – May 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1


zone NASA

was dying of cancer, so there was a lot of chaos
in the house,” he said. “Apollo 8 for me was the
big memory, because it was prior to her getting
sick, things were more normal in our home in
Cleveland.... Christmas Eve, walking to the
store in the snow, seven years old, hurrying back
because I didn’t want to miss the Christmas Eve
broadcast everyone was talking about. I
remember looking up at the moon, rushing to
my house, thinking, ‘I’ve got to get home to be
in front of TV to watch the guys up there.’ I kept
that close to me, but I hadn’t actually seen the
Apollo 8 footage again until we got to work on
this film. And the Genesis prayer... memories
flooded in from Apollo.”
Because of his focus on Apollo 8, Jennings
wove in the amazing story of Poppy Northcutt
(see page 64), then a 24-year-old TRW engineer
and mathematics whiz – and the only woman
working in NASA’s Mission Control. She was
responsible for figuring out lunar orbit
insertions for Apollo spacecraft – and did so
with a candor and passion for her work that
made her a sought-after guest TV commentator
by the time of Apollo 17 in 1972.
“She was interviewed a lot back then, and we
found many with her – including one she had
not remembered, where she talked about
treatment of women at NASA,” Jennings
recalled as Northcutt sat alongside him. “The
reason she was interviewed often is because she
was the only woman on Mission Control. The
newsrooms were the same, so males interviewed
her. If it wasn’t the first question, it was the
second: ‘What’s it like to be a woman working
with all these guys?’”

Jennings turned to Northcutt, now 75. “You
had a very funny answer, the one we put in
the film.”

Northcutt leaned back and chuckled. “That
was the one about males dominating NASA. My
response was, ‘I don’t think it’s dominated by
males. I think it’s dominated by computers and
hardware.’” After the laughter subsided, she
added, “There’s some significance to that. The
Apollo program represented the first leap into
the world of big data, which is now quite
Jennings said that Apollo came together
differently than any other documentary he’s
created during his illustrious career. For starters,
the process seemed backwards: while the most
dramatic moments happened in the first two-
thirds of the movie’s timeline – up to the
ill-fated Apollo 13 mission – the images were far
better from Apollos 14 through 17, when crews
stayed on the moon for several days and shot
with color cameras.

“From a filmmaking point of view, the way
Apollo ends is kind of frustrating. The best
images come from Apollos 14 through 17, but
they have the least amount of overall drama
compared to the other missions, which were
highly dramatic: the Apollo 1 tragedy; orbiting
the moon on Apollo 8, then dropping to within
eight miles of the surface in Apollo 10; the
Apollo 11 moonwalk; Pete Conrad nearly
hitting the landing target bull’s-eye on Apollo
12; and, finally, the Apollo 13 disaster. At the
end, though, they did discover oxidized soil on
the moon – a very big deal.

“We end the movie with Ray Bradbury talking
about how we will eventually have to leave the
planet because it’s going to fall apart in a million
years, or a billion years... and that we have to
keep on exploring. And yet, after [Apollo] 17,
everything was done. We stayed home, in Earth’s
orbit. It leaves you with a bittersweet sense of
‘What if ?’ What if we had continued? But we
didn’t, and the story just kind of stopped.”
Now it’s started again big-time, with the dual
massive efforts with NASA and private industry
to set up a sustainable work station on the
moon, then fly to Mars. Jennings feels Apollo
brings home both the human side of being an
astronaut, and the promise of what can happen
when everyone is focused on the same goal –
with available resources and buy-in.
“Another thing that caught me when making
the film was seeing the Apollo astronauts appear
on The Bob Hope Show. It made it a lot of fun,
really humanized them. When you look back to
those astronauts, The Right Stuff pilots and
Mercury, Gemini and Apollo astronauts, their
lifestyles ... they were a lot of fun. Deadly
serious, brilliant men and brilliant flyers who
had a lot of fun.
“Many of us who were kids in the 1960s see
them as almost iconic gods, these action figures
we can’t get close to – then you find out they’re
normal guys with great senses of humor. They
laughed hard, worked harder – and so did the
400,000 workers who had something to do with
putting us on the moon. It’s an ultimate story of
human achievement. I’m honored to get to tell it
with actual footage.” Q

Missions to the Moon: In Real-Time

Photo: NASA Photo: Otis Imboden/National Geographic Creative

David Scott performing side hatch EVA during Apollo 9. An Apollo astronaut practices lunar module liftoffs and landings in California’s Mojave Desert.
Free download pdf