Science 16.08.2019

(lu) #1
SCIENCE 16 AUGUST 2019 • VOL 365 ISSUE 6454 637









Hard exosuits
These devices can
assist with walking
in therapeutic
settings, but
mismatching of
joints and manual
control of gait can
limit speed.

Soft exosuits
The exosuit of Kim
et al. uses an
algorithm to match
the assistance to a
walking or running
gait. The soft
material fexes with
the user’s joints.

Neural interface
Implanted neural
interfaces may
control robotic
assistance or
even activate
junctions to restore
gait function.

exosuits, aimed at assisting locomotion in
healthy wearers and at healing or assisting
neurological patients.
How can assistance be seamlessly deliv-
ered with wearable robots and exosuits ac-
cording to the wearer-intended behavior?
The work by Kim et al. shows an elegant and
robust gait classification algorithm based on
transitions between potential and kinetic
energy that can detect whether the wearer
is walking or running. However, the detec-
tion of actual user movement or movement
intent can be much more challenging. When
proportional control of wearable robots with
multiple degrees of freedom is attempted—
for example, in hand prosthetics—a more
elaborated strategy to seamlessly command
the robots is needed.
Under these circumstances, robot com-
mands are usually obtained from decoding
neural and bioelectrical signals by using
classification algorithms. A variety of input
signals have been considered, including both
invasive and noninvasive neural interfaces,
and recorded from either the central ner-
vous system (CNS, the brain and spinal cord)
or the peripheral nervous system (PNS, the
muscle or peripheral nerve electrical activity)
( 4 ). Ideally, a neural interface would require
simple connections to human neural struc-
tures, versatile operation with no calibration,
high spatiotemporal resolution, sampling of
a population of neural cells to associate their
activity to relevant motor functions, and
long-term stability.
None of the currently available recording

and signal processing strategies fully meet
these requirements, and new interface tech-
nologies will need to be developed. Given the
relatively lower complexity of the PNS com-
pared with the CNS, and recent developments
in decoding the neural drive to muscles ( 5 ,
6 ), it is realistic to think that we will witness,
in the next several years, the development of
robust human-robot interfaces to command
wearable robotics based on the decoding of
a representative part of the neural code of
movement in humans. The need for wearable
technologies that minimally alter human
biomechanics will result in a transition from
rigid wearable robots to soft exosuits such as
the one reported by Kim et al., and, eventu-
ally, to implantable neuroprostheses that can
influence or assist human movement. The
need for preserving human neuromechanics
while using assistive technology will likely
lead to implantable and networked record-
ing and stimulation neuroprostheses. Such
devices would implement effective interfaces
to decode the wearer’s movement intent and
influence it when necessary to enhance hu-
man performance ( 7 ). j

  1. J. Kim et al., Science 365 , 668 (2019).

  2. J. L. Pons, Ed., Wearable Robots: Biomechatronic
    Exoskeletons (Wiley, 2008).

  3. J. C. Moreno et al., J. Neuroeng. Rehabil. 10 , 79 (2013).

  4. J. R. Wolpaw et al., Clin. Neurophysiol. 113 , 767 (2002).

  5. F. Negro, S. Muceli, A. M. Castronovo, A. Holobar, D. Farina,
    J. Neural Eng. 13 , 026027 (2016).

  6. A. Holobar et al., J. Neural Eng. 11 , 016008 (2014).

  7. Bidirectional Hyper-Connected Neural System, the
    EXTEND project;

Phosphorus removal

from freshwater systems

has wide-ranging

ecological consequences

By Carles Ibáñez^1 and Josep Peñuelas2,


utrophication—the excessive enrich-
ment of a body of water with nutrients
such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus
(P)—is Earth’s most widespread prob-
lem for water quality ( 1 , 2 ). Growing
evidence suggests a global trend toward
reversing eutrophication. However, in rivers
and estuaries of developed countries and in
lakes of emerging economies, the ongoing
reduction in nutrient inputs—termed reoli-
gotrophication—is much larger for P than
for N ( 3 , 4 ). Although the rapid emergence
of this phenomenon has hindered detailed
monitoring of the ecological effects, a few
studies have documented an abrupt shift
from green to clear waters and consequently
from phytoplankton to macrophytes as domi-
nant primary producers in response to reoli-
gotrophication in rivers and estuaries ( 5 – 7 ).
However, the improvement in water quality
due to P decline does not imply a return to
pristine ecological conditions, because high
N:P ratios trigger undesirable changes in the
ecosystem ( 8 ).
Understanding of the effects of eutrophi-
cation and reoligotrophication mainly comes
from studies of shallow lakes, which can be
in two alternative states: turbid, dominated
by phytoplankton, and characterized by low
diversity and poor water quality; or clear,
dominated by macrophytes, and character-
ized by higher diversity. Anthropogenic eu-
trophication or reoligotrophication causes
abrupt shifts between these states ( 9 ). Many
American and European lakes have recov-
ered from eutrophication following the
control of phosphorus inputs, providing a

(^1) IRTA, Department of Marine and Continental Waters, 43540
Sant Carles de la Ràpita, Catalonia, Spain.^2 CSIC, Global
Ecology Unit CREAF-CSIC-UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Catalonia,
Spain.^3 CREAF, 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès, Catalonia, Spain.
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Toward more responsive robots
The soft exosuit reported by Kim et al. represents a transition from more restrictive hard
exosuits to future wearables that will respond to nervous system commands.
Published by AAAS

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