The problem with dogma is it can come back to bite you
David Morley
Much as
it grieves
me to say so,
the old bugger
Cockburn was
right all along
the o
ime to come clean: I’ve been wrong about a couple of
things lately. Yeah, yeah, I know. But don’t you want
to hear what things?
Okay, so the first one was an argument Cockburn
and I have been having for about a decade. I’ve been trying
to convince him hydrogen fuel-cell technology is the way
forward, while he’s been championing the cause of the
skateboard-construction battery-powered electric car as
the wheels of the future. And much as it grieves me to
say so, the old bugger was right all along.
I’m not going to rule out a future purple patch
for fuel-cell technology, but having driven the
Tesla Model S recently, I have to admit that
the electric skateboard is probably where we
are going.
Damn, that Tesla’s a good thing. It
rewrites the book on acceleration. No
waiting for a turbo to spool up or revs
to build and suddenly make the most of
whatever camshaft is fitted. Nope, you floor
the go-pedal from a standing start – or any
speed you wish – and the headrest smacks you in
the back of the scone. Forget Gs, this is Geez!
Meanwhile, you also get the many other advantages
ol’ Cockburn has been banging on about. Stuff like the
ability to put any body style on the platform – maybe even
multiple bodies for one chassis. And the low centre of gravity
and the mass centralisation and the yada, yada, yada.
The second thing I’ve been holding at the wrong end for
years now is the theory that a Porsche 911 with a PDK
transmission will never be a proper 911. If you took my
previous stand at face value, then probably the worst thing that
could happen to society was a GT3 without a clutch pedal.
It wasn’t just that such a thing wouldn’t, or couldn’t, be a
pukka 911 without a driver-operated clutch; it might also be
my favourite-ever Porsche – in fact my favourite-ever car –
without the third pedal.
But, of course, that’s exactly what’s happened with the latest
991 version of the GT3. And, equally of course, I was wrong.
I still think the new GT3 is a bit on the beefy side, and
a quick check of the specs reveals it is indeed wider
and longer than the original Porsche 928 of 1977
and within 20kg of that behemoth’s 1450kg
weighbridge ticket. But the argument that the
seven-speed PDK is the wrong gearbox for the
thing goes right out the window on your first
lap of a race track.
This was brought home to me when one
of the other hacks – who’d previously been
on the receiving end of my anti-PDK rants
- asked me, very tellingly, whether I had, at
any point in my 30-odd laps of Queensland
Raceway in the GT3, imagined the experience
would have been improved by having a clutch
pedal in the footwell? More specifically, did I
think the experience had been tarnished by the PDK
transmission? The answer to both questions was the same:
absolutely not. Bugger.
So there you go, two swings and two misses. This is probably
why I don’t work in the future products department of a major
car maker. Mind you, I probably should have seen it coming.
As I’m sure Cockburn would be happy to point out to me, the
electric car of the future won’t have a gearbox at all, let alone a
previous stand at face value, then probaabbly the worst thing that clutch pedal. M
transmission will never be a proopepr 91 1.If you tookmy
previousstandat facevaluethenprobabablbytheworstthing
a issionwillneverbe apooppr youoo y
years now is the theory that a Porsche 911 with aPDDK
trtrananannsmsmmmmmisissionsionoonnwwwill neill nenneeveveeerrbbbebeeeaaapppprorooooppppepppeeer91r91 9911 IIffyou toyouoo tooookoookkmmmmmmyy
ya owwisisthe thethe theoororyyththatataaPoorsc w a DD
The second thiingng I’ve been hololdidingng at the wronng gend fofor
yyeyeeearaarssnonooowwwisisisisttttheheheheeettttheheheeeeoroororooryyyyththththatatatataaaaPPPPPPorscorscorscooorschehehee 99999911111111 wwwwitithhaaaPDPDPPPPPDDDDKKKKK
odt ggI’vveebeeenhoodd ggatthewroggendoo
and dthe mass centralisation and the yadad, yada, yada.
ThThhheeeeseseeecocooonndnndddtthihhihngngnngggI’ve beI’ve beeebbeeeenenennhhhhololooooololdidddidididnngnngngnngggat theat thea hheewrwrwoonononnngggggggeneneennddddff
addthemasssscentrentralalisatioisatioonnanandd eeyyada,,yada,,yada
muultltipiplle boddies for one chassis. And thelowcentre ofggravity
anaadddtheeeeemamamassssssccenceneetraltralr isisatationionoo andandddththeeeeyayaddadddayayadaddayaadadda
u pp bbodies sfor one chasasis. Ad t ow oggav
abbililitiy to put any body style on thepplalatftform – maaybeevenn
ab ytooppututaanyybbbodyyststylyleeoonont paao ayb v
ol Cockburn has been baangngining gon abobout. Stuff likethe
abababbiilililitityyytototoooppppututututaaaanynynyybbbbbbodoodooddddyyyyststststylylyyleeeeeeon ton tooon ton theheheeepppplalalaaaatftftftforooormmm–––mamaaybybybbeeeeeeevevveeenen
o Cockburn has been bag ggo aboou. Su
MeMeanwhwhile, you also gegt the many othher advdvananntatatagegegess
ololoo’CoCooockckkkkbubbbubbbbrnrnnnhhhhasasabbbbeeeeeeeennnnbababbaangngngnnnngngggininininnnnnggggon aoon aboutonnabobbooout.StStufufffliliikekekkeeetthhehheee
awil you aoou alslsoooggttttheeemamaanyyyoo eradvaa aaggggee
the back of the scone. Forrgeget Gs, thisisGeez!
MMeMeMeMeeeeaaananwhwhhililileeeeeyyoou aou aou aouo alsolsolsolsooogegggeeettttththththeeeeeemamamamanynynynyooooooththhherereeereraaaadvdddvaanann
back of the scone. Foggt G, G
sppeeed you wish – and the heaaddrest smacksyououiinn
thebackofthesconeForrgegetGsthisis Geez!
s d uwish andt ss s
p dyouuwiwshsh–aanddthe haadestsmaac you
the gopedal from a stanandidingng start or any
spsspppeeeeeeeeeeeedddddyyoyooouuuwiwiwiwishshshsh–a–a–aandndndndddthe hthe htthe hee eaeaeeeeaeaaaddddddrddreeesesestsmtsmtsmacacaacksksk yyyooooo
gopedal from a stadd gg sa o ay
whatever cammshshaft is fitteted. Nopope, youflooororr
thtthhheeeegogoggoo-ppppeedeedddddalal fafrorooommmmmmastasta ananannnnndiddddidididnnngngnngnnggstastaartrt––oooorrananannyy
wa vercca atis d oopp you ooo
to build and sududdeenlny maakek themost of
obuild andsudd y aa oso
wawaititinininnggg g fofor a turbo to spoool up or revs
wawwaaitit ggggfofoorratuaturbrbootoospooooluppororev
rewrites the book on acceleration. No
wawawwwawitititininnggggggfofofooorrraaatututurborborbbboootototooossspopppopoooooolololuupuppppor revor revoororeveess
Damn, thatat TTeseslala’ss aagggoooooodthd thinining.g IItt
rereeewrwrwititeesese tthheheheebbbbooooooookkkooononnnaaacccceeleleerereeatataioiooonn.nnNNNNoooo
Damn,thatTeeeslasaggggoooooodddt ggg
are gogoining.
are gogo g
the electric ssskateboard is probaablbyy wwhere wwe
a boad pobaabb
Tesla MoModdel S recently, I have to admmit that
thttheeleeelelecectrectrtricicicskassateeeebobobbardardisis pprorobabababablbblbyywhwherereewee
sa oodd S c a oad a
for fuelcell technoololgygy, but havingng driven the e
o uelcelltechoogy,bu,bubtthaaaviviv ggddriventhe
Im not gogoining gto rule out a future pururplpe paaatctcthh
foffooorfurfueleele-c-celeleellteteeechchchnonooooololololoooogggggyggyg bbubbutthahaavivivingnggggddddriveriveeennthetheee
ot gogo ggto rule out a future puupe paaa
say so, the old buuggeer was rigighht all aloongng.
sayso odbuugg wwaass gg aaa aog
the wheels of the future. And much as it griieves me to
sayso theoldbuuggggerewasrigghthall aloongn
sasaayyysososooothththeeeeeololooolddddbbbuuggggggggggereeeeewwwas ras rigiggghthall aall alooooongngg
w o uu d u a g v o
skatebeboaordconstruction baattterypowered electric car as
s s s
ththheeewhwhheeeeeelsooofthehheefutureeeAnAAnAnddmuchdmmmm hhaas itgggriee meeto
a boad o u o ba ypow d aa
forward, while hes been chaampmpioiningg the cause of the
skskskaatataatteebebebeeebebbbbooaoaooardrdrdrdd-con-con-conconooststststruction baruction baruction baruction baoo bbtttttereeererery-poy-poypoy-poppoowered electrwweredweredeeeeddeeleleeececetrtriciciccarcar acar aass
orward, while hes been ca po gg the cause o
to convince him hydrrogogeen fuelcell technolologogy is the wayyy
fofofooorwrward,rward,wardarddwwwwhihhilehleeehe s behe’shhee bbbeeeeeeeneneennchachhhaampmpmpmpmmmmmmmmppppiioioioonnining thennnnggggthehheeccauauauuseseseeeooooffththhheeee
o ovincehim ydog ffuelueuelcececelllltttececec ooggyyisistthehewwa
and I have been havingng for abobout a decadade. Ive been trying
toconvincehimhydrdrogogene fuel-cell technolologogyistheway
totoooconconoovincvincehieeehimmhydrddddrogooooggeeeenee fffuel-uel-uel-eecececeeelllllltectecteceehnhnhnolooooloogogooogggyyyisisistttheheheeewwwayaya
ad aveebeen bbeeeennhahahaavivivngnggg forfoor aaaaboboboututu aaaa IvIvveee bbebeeeneenn ttryryyininnggg
imeto comeclean:I’vebeenwrong aboutacoupleof
Okay, so the first onee wwasas an ar an arrgugugumemementnt CCockbockbkbururnn
ve beenhaving foraboutadecadeI’vebeentrying
veeebbbeeeeeennnhhahvingnnggforoo abbboooutadddeceeadeddeeIveeebbebeeeeennntryingnngg
Oay,soothefirstooneeewwasasananaggggguu eentntCCooocockbbbu
to hear what thiingngs?
OkOkOOOkkkkayayaay,sosooothe ftheeefirirststoooneoneee
o hear what t ggs
ime to come clean: Ive been wrongng aboout a couuplpe of
ththhininininnngsgsg l laatattteeleley.y. Y Yeah,eah,ah y yeaeaah, I know.BBuut don’t you want
gggg aeeey.y.YYeeeaeahh,yyeeeaah,Iknow.BBB don’t youwa
electriccarof tthe fuutureu wont have a gearbox at all, let alone a
ao o haave aa geararboxaa ,, ao a
As Im sure Cockkbubrn would be haappppy to pointoutto me, the
eleeeleeeceectrtricicccaraarooooffttheefutufuturerewwononon’t’t’thavehavehavea ageaageageararbbbooxxxxatatatataaa,a,llll,letaletaooneeaa
sImsureCo burn would be aapppyopo ou o
car maakekr.MMinind you, I proobbablbly should have seenit comingng.
AsAAAAsA III’mmmmmmmsssururureeeeCoeCoCooockckkkkkkbbbbbbububurnrnrnnnwwwwooououldldldddbbbbeeeeehahahhaaaapppppppppppppyyytotooopoipoippoonnntntooooututtotooommmmemme thee,thhheeee
a aa r.M dyyou,ouIIppoobbabby oud av o g
why I dont work in the future produducts dedepaprtmentof a maajojr
cacacaarrrmamamaakekkekkeerrrrMMMMMMMininininnddddddyouyouyoyoouuuIIIIIppppppprrorooooobababbbababaabbblblblblbyyyyyoushshshooououould havld havld havdd aveeeeeseseseeeeeenenenicoit coit cooomimimnngnngngg
do tworkinthefutureprodudctsdpap oa aao
So there yougo, two swiwingngngs sanand two dtwomimisssseses. ThThisisiiss probprobbabababablyly
whwhwhhyyIIddoddooon’nn’nttwowowoorkrkkin thin thnnhheefueefuturetureeeproppproooddudududdctctssddededeeeeppppapppapartrtmmmemmemeentnnntooooffaaamammmammaaaajojjjooorr
So reyouo ggo,otwo so wiggggsand twoaddtwooomimisssseeeses..Thisspprpoobbbabbbby
aabsoslulutetelynot. Buuggeer.
abouu y o. Bugg
trtranasmission? Theanswswer to both queustions wwasthesame:
a o a obo questo a a
tthinink the exxpperience had been tarnisshehd by thePDKK
anasmissionoo?Theeeaans eertobothqqueueueststioonsnswwaastesa e
pp encehad beentarn dby DDK
peedadl in the footwell? More specificalally, didI
hinktheexperience hadbeentarnishehedbythe PDKD
hhhinnnkkthhheeeeexexppepppeerieneennce heehhadaddbbbeeeeeennntaarnnnishhhheheheeedddbbyb thhheeePPPDKDDDD
pddalinthefooootw o p aa dd
would have been immprprovedby havingngaclutch
pedalinthefootwell?MMoroespecificalallyl didI
pepppeeeddadaddllin tin tin theheheeefoofoofooooootwell?twell?twee MMMMoooroooreeeespspppeececeificaallyly,ddiddddI
oud have been povdb a gga u
Raacecway in theGT3, immagininedthethe eexpppeerience
a wayint,G 3 ag d p
any point in my 30 odd lapaps ofQQueensllanand
anypointinmy 30 oddlapsofQueensland
askeked me, very tellilinglyly, whhetethher I had, at
anypointin my30 oddddllapapsofQueensland
ananannyypopoppooininnnttin min mnnmmmmyy 3000 -oooddddddddddddllaapapappsofoo QQQueenslaneeeenn annddd
as dme,veveryryttelel ngnggy,w rIhadd,a
on the receivingg end of my antiPDDKK rants
- asasasaskekkekekkeeeddmedddmememeeeveveveveeeryryryrytttteeleleelelllilililingngngnggglylyll wwhwhhheteeteteeeethehehheerrrIIIhahahadddddaaatt
on the receivigg end of my anti DD ra
of the other hacks who d previououslsly been
ononooonnnttthhehheheeerrecreceeeceivieeivieeivingngngnnggeeeeenndndndnddooooofmyffmymymmmm aaaanntntntni-ii-PPPPPDPPDPDDDDKKKKKKKKrararranntnntss
o o ackss wwho dho do pprevioouus b
This was broougughth hhomommee toto me mewhwhenen oonene
oftheothherhaccksk who’d previouslybeen
ofoofo thetheeeoooothheererehhaacksksks–––wwwho’dho’dho’doodpppprevireviee ooouoouslsyybebbeeenee
was bouug hhhoo eeoo ee ee ooee
lap of a race track.
ThTThhhisiswwwas basas bbbrorooougugugugghhhthhthhhh
thinng g gogoes rigghht out tthe window on your urfifirsrst
ggggoes gg outt dowon yo
seven-speed PDDK is the wronngggeaerbox for thee
thththininingggggggogoggggogoooooeeseesesrrroutigiggggggghthhthooutooutout tut ttthetheheewwwinndodddooowononyyouro first
sevensp d DD is the wogggarbox fo
weigighbhbriidgdge etickcket. But the argugument that the
seseseeeven-ven-veeennnspspppppeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddPPDPDPPPPDPDDDKKKKKKisisisistttthehehhheeewwwwrorororooonngngnnngnngggggggggggggeaeeeeaarbrbrbrboxboxooxfoxffororo tthehehhee
wegbbdgg ttititi ...Bu.BuBuBtttthetheteagguu nttha ee
and withthin 2 0k0kgg of that beehehemoths 1455 0k0kg g
weweweeeigiigiggghbhbbbbbbririrririddgdgddgdgggeeeeeetititititickckckkkket But theeetBuBBuBuBBtttthththeeeeeeararararguggguguggmmemeeentntnt ttthahahattthth
and wi in 200 ggof that b moths 1550 g
and loongngeer than the orrigigininal Porsche 9288 of 19777
ananananndddddwiwiwiwiwithththinthinhhinnn 22220 0k0k0k 000 0kkkggggggofoofofottthhhahhahahattttbbbebeeeeeehehehehehhhheeemmmothmmmothmoootthhh’sss 1114454545455 0k0k 00 0kkkkgggg
adog t ata eo g a o 88 o
aa quick check of the specs reveals it is indndeeeed wiideder
anananandddddloloooongngngngggeeeererrtthathathahannnnththththeeeeeeorooroororigigiggggginininaal Porschealal PPPPooorrscheee 999999282828288888 ooof 19of 19997777
aquuickickchchececkofthespecskofthespecsrevreveaealslsititisisiid ddwdd
II still think the new GT 3 is a bit on the beefy side, and
aaaquququqqicickickkkchchchheececeeckkkkofoofoofthetthehheeespecssspeppepeecscsrrreveveveeealseaeealsealsiitit istisisiiinndndndndddeeeeeeeeeeeedddddwiwiwiwdddddeddeeerr
Is wG 3 sab o b ysd ad
9991 versioion of the GT3. Annd, equualally of course, I was wrong.
IIststill thillthininkthektheeenewnewee GTGT 33 is aisaabbbbbitititoon thon thono thebeeeebeebbebeeefefeeefyyysisisidedededeeanaandddd
99 vers nson ofof tthehe GT3GT3.. d,d, e of coequuaalyof courseurse,I Iwawas swrwog
But, of course, that’s exaactctlyly w what’hat’ss hahaappppppeneneed withed with the thelalatesttest
991 versionoftheGT3AndequalllyofcourseIwaswrong
9991 veeersionoonoofo theheeeGGT3T3AAnAnAnndddeeequqquaalaallylyoofocooourseeeIwas wrwaswrooonggg
But,ut,ooofcofcoourse,urse,ththaa’s’seexaxactlyctlywwhat’hat’ss aappppppeeededeedwwith theeeaee
withthout the third peeddal.
w ou dpdda
my favouriteever Porsche e in fact my favouriteu ever car
aou os actmyfavoouriteeverca
puukkkka 911 without a driver-opeperated clutch; itmigighht also bee
mymymyfavfavoufavaooououriririteteteee-ever Po-ever-eveeeePoPPoorsrsrschechcheee––ininffacacacttmytmyfmyfavfavouavouriteorite-evee-evereercarca–
puu a 911 without a driveroprated clutch; it g also beee
It wasnt just that such a thing wouuldldnt, or coullddnt, be a
puukkkka 911 withhoutadriveropeperatedclutch;itmigighthalsobe
pupppukkkkkkkkkaaa 99919191111 wiwiwithhhhhhooouottadradraddiviveeer-ooopeppppepeeeratedatedeedclutchhh;itmmmmmiiggghhhthhhaalslsooobebbee
asntjuuststtthathatsusuchchatathinghinggwouwouo ddnnt,t,ooorcorcooudd t,beb a
cocoululdhad haappppppenene ttoo sosocicietetyy wawass aa GTGT 33 wiwiththhououtt aa clclututtchch ppedalededal.
ItItItwwwasasasnasnn’nttttjust tjust tjujust tstthathathathatsusususuchchchchaatatatthihihihiingngngngggwwwwooououuuldldldldddddnn’t,t,t,torooorororcocococoooululululdndddddddn’t bett,be,bebbeeaaa
d motorofficial f motor_mag^127