Malaysia Tatler – August 2019

(lily) #1

malaysia tatler. august 2019 151



I write in.....
Very fl owery calligraphy that cannot
be easily read by most people.
The best remedy for writer’s
block is....
Go on holiday to reset, because you
have no distractions from work,
house chores and other daily activities
that tend to derail you from writing.

My current fascination is...
Deciphering the lyrics of The Beatle’s
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. It is a
very trippy song, popularly thought to be
inspired by LSD, but quite recently my
dearest Rottweiler, Lucifer Buttercup Chai
passed on and I read the lyrics. In the
context of the Rainbow Bridge, the lyrics

make a lot of sense and so I am fi guring
out how to produce a trippy collage-like
music video, dedicated to my dog Luci.
This is probably the start of a Beatles-
themed degustation, eventually.

My all-time favourite book is....
The Art of War by Sun Tzu. You can read
this book many times in your life, and it
somehow has different applications at
different stages of life.

My favourite sentence from
a book is...
“I may not have gone where I intended
to go, but I think I have ended up where I
needed to be,” from The Long Dark Tea-
Time of the Soul by Douglas Adams.


Book More

Than a Table

Chef and now author, Isadora Chai lets us in
on her degustation themed French cuisine
book—straight from Bistro à Table’s kitchen

How is the process of writing
Edible Satire: French Cuisine
with a Twist like?
I had many draft versions of Edible
Satire before it went to print. And to
determine whether it was a useful
manual, I had some of our new
apprentices and cooks follow the
recipes to see whether they could
understand the text and follow its
instructions, even without prior
experience of making the dish.
This cookbook is a compilation of
a lot of recipes straight from Bistro
à Table's kitchen.

What are some of your personal
favourite recipes from the book?
Off the top of my head, I love my
smoked foie gras with cotton candy
dish and the seared lamb with
smoked eggplant and crispy lamb
fat trimmings from the Charlie &
the Chocolate Factory degustation.

I could eat that every day; well, as a
matter of fact, I eat a different variation
of it at the restaurant every week

Coming from an extensive
culinary background, did you fi nd
it diffi cult to choose and compile
recipes to feature in the book?
Yes, it was emotionally diffi cult to
narrow down the dishes that
I wanted to showcase, especially
when hundreds of dishes have
been created from the Bistro à
Table kitchen; I liken it to selecting
your favourite children to put in a
photo album!

What’s your advice for readers
who fi nd degustation themed
menus intimidating?
It’s quite intimidating to attempt to
replicate an entire chapter. I would
suggest to go through each chapter,
read the recipes, and when you

are drawn to a certain component,
try replicating it. If you love it, it
would probably give you further
encouragement to soldier on and try
to complete the course in its entirety.

What are three ingredients that
you just can’t live without?
French butter; I personally have at
least 3 kg of French butter stocked
at home. French cream because if
you want to sin, sin properly. Organic
eggs because the humble egg can be
turned into an infi nite form of dishes.

Edible Satire: French Cuisine with
a Twist is available in bookstores
nationwide. To know more about chef
Isadora Chai, visit
Free download pdf