Malaysia Tatler – August 2019

(lily) #1



146 A Moveable Feast
The people and highlights of the third
Food & Society Conference in Paris

150 Starting Them Young
Monkey see, monkey do—that’s why
this school is encouraging its students
to practise these sustainable habits to
better the environment

151 Book More Than a Table
Chef and author, Isadora Chai shares
some advice and her favourite recipes
from her cookbook, Edible Satire

152 Takes Forevermore
Young and energetic talents
who are blossoming in the local
music scene with their unique tunes

156 Defying the Odds
Inspiring stories from two people
who are committed to give those
with special needs a chance to shine

Tone down on
overseas vacations
and discover these
interesting spots
locally instead




20 malaysia tatler. august 2019

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