Oxygen USA – July-August 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

122 summer 2019

energized and focused, and will be more than
ready to kill it in your workout both mentally
and physically. Shoot for at least seven to eight
hours per night every day of the week.

If you’re someone who needs to eat before
you work out, have a meal or snack 60 to 90
minutes before training — or else you run
the risk of revisiting it on the gym fl oor. This
nosh should include some quality carbs for
energy that will drive your training, as well
as some protein to increase strength and lean
muscle mass.

Being properly hydrated is imperative to
training performance and success. Water is
intimately involved in muscular contractions,

ost people schedule
their daily workouts ahead
of time, and some even
have a carefully planned
recovery regimen. But not many have a solid
preworkout routine. But what you do before
your sweat sesh has a defi nitive impact on your
workout. Here is a checklist of pre-exercise
to-do’s to consider. Follow these — in order
— before you begin your workout and you’ll
crush it each and every time.

Your body goes into recovery mode when
you sleep, repairing and rebuilding itself to
be better than before. It is also during deep
sleep that your body releases the most growth
hormone, helping stimulate muscle growth
and repair. If you get enough sleep, you’ll wake



boost WHY YOU NEED ... By Lara McGlashan, MFA, CPT

Doing these six things before exercising
can make or break your workout.

and research has shown that a
fl uid loss of just 2 percent of your
bodyweight can cause a marked
decrease in both physical and mental
performance. Drink 10 to 20 ounces
of water before training — but make
sure you spread it throughout the
day. If you slug down a liter of water
immediately before, you’ll spend as
much time in the bathroom as you do
with the barbell.

A preworkout supplement that
includes ingredients like caff eine and
arginine has been shown to heighten
focus, boost energy and increase blood
fl ow, helping deliver nutrients and
oxygen to your hardworking muscles.
Bonus: Research also has shown that
caff eine can increase the breakdown
of fat for fuel. Take a preworkout
supplement 30 minutes before
training for optimal benefi ts.

Research has shown that the mental act of
visualization actually has a physical eff ect on
your muscles. Five to 10 minutes before you
train, sit in a quiet place and visualize your
workout: What will you train? Go through
each move and imagine yourself doing
it correctly and with power. See yourself
crushing any HIIT, metcon or other high-
intensity workout, or even setting a lifting
personal record.

Doing a dynamic warm-up increases your
core temperature and facilitates blood fl ow
to your muscles. Perform moves like leg
swings, Frankenstein kicks, arm circles and
inchworms to prep your body and mind for
the workout to come.

Dymatize PreW.O. can turn an ordinary workout into an extraordinary experience. Ingredients
such as citrulline malate, beta-alanine, L-taurine, arginine and caff eine amplify workout
intensity, support your goals and make every workout count. Named the Bodybuilding.com
Breakout Product of the Year (2018), PreW.O. mixes clean and comes in fi ve amazing fl avors.
Free download pdf