Oxygen USA – July-August 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

18 summer 2019

The 11-minute

boxer’s EMOM


Get into fi ghting shape — fast! —
with this boxing-themed workout.

t the end of a long day, who doesn’t want to punch
something — or someone? In the interest in avoiding a
battery charge, you might want to try this quick, stress-
relieving workout instead.
“Boxing is incredible for building cardiovascular strength, losing overall
body fat and toning muscle, but its benefi ts extend beyond the ring,” says
Tommy Duquette, co-founder of FightCamp and former member of USA
Boxing. “It can be incredibly liberating to learn how to punch, jab and
block an opponent’s attack, and it can lead to improved confi dence and
empowerment as well as mental clarity and stress relief.”
Boxers have to be able to think quickly on their feet with minimal rest,
which is why Duquette recommends an EMOM (every minute on the
minute) programming format. “The progressively shortened rest periods
keep your heart rate up and your head in the game since you have to focus
on giving the maximum eff ort every round,” he says.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands in a “ready”
boxing position — fi sts closed, elbows bent, arms in close to your
body to protect your face and head. Take a large step forward with
your right leg, bending your knees to lower into a deep lunge while
simultaneously throwing a straight punch with your left hand. Return to
the start, then step your right foot back into a reverse lunge and throw
a jab with your left hand. Return to the start. Repeat with your left leg/
right hand and continue, alternating sides.
Tip: Make sure you’re stable in your lunge before throwing your punch.
Otherwise, you might lose your balance and compromise your form.

Get into a forearm plank with your elbows
underneath your shoulders and your head, hips and
heels aligned. Brace your core and keep your hips
stable as you punch forward with your right fi st,
arm parallel to the fl oor. Return to plank and repeat
on the left side to complete one rep. Continue,
alternating sides.
Tip: Don’t allow your body to rock back and forth.
Drive through your heels as you punch forward to
stiff en your core and keep your body stable.

At the top of each minute, begin the programmed task. On
the odd minutes, perform Couplet 1 and rest any remaining
time. On the even minutes, perform Couplet 2 and rest any
remaining time. At the end of 10 minutes, perform the fi nisher.
Record the number of reps you got and try to beat it next time.

Couplet 1 (minutes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
5 Forward/Backward Lunges and Punches (each side)
10 Forearm Plank Punches

Couplet 2 (minutes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
8 Power 180s + Hooks
8 1-2 Push-Ups (4 each side)

Finisher: 1-Minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
Boxer’s Sit-Up
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