Oxygen USA – July-August 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

oxygenmag.com 27

By Jill Schildhouse



16 oz white button mushrooms,
1 lb lean or extra-lean ground
1 small yellow onion, diced
¾ cup low-sugar barbecue sauce
4 large sweet potatoes, baked
and cooled
½ cup shredded low-fat Monterey
Jack cheese
4 scallions, finely chopped

Farmers often

increase vitamin

D levels in their

mushrooms by

exposing them to UV

light. Just like humans,

mushrooms naturally

produce vitamin D

following exposure

to sunlight. Boost the

vitamin D in your

own mushrooms

by leaving them out

in the sun before


Another area in which fungi are
improving health is in the realm
of cancer treatment. “Medicinal
mushrooms are thought to
improve immune system function
and reduce the incidence of
treatment-related side effects,”
says Jonathan Stegall, M.D.,
oncologist and director of the
Center for Advanced Medicine in
Atlanta. “Some studies also show
them to have a cancer-cell-
killing effect.”
Stegall mainly uses maitake,
turkey tail, reishi, shiitake and
almond mushrooms in his
treatment protocols because
their clinical prowess is the
strongest. “The evidence for
their exact effects is limited, so
medicinal mushrooms should
serve as a complementary
therapy alongside more
traditional treatments rather
than as stand-alone therapies,”
Stegall advises.
Not all oncologists are familiar
with the use of mushrooms in
cancer treatment, so ask plenty
of questions before deciding on
a practitioner. And of important
note: Patients on blood thinners
may be at an increased risk for
mushroom treatment because of
the anticoagulant and antiplatelet
properties of the fungi.

Add mushrooms to a food processor
and pulse until finely chopped. Combine
mushrooms and turkey in a large bowl,
mixing with hands. Place a skillet over
medium-high heat, then add turkey
mixture. Cook, stirring often, until it begins
to brown, about 5 minutes. Add onions
and cook another 7 minutes, or until turkey
is no longer pink. Drain excess liquid, then
add barbecue sauce and heat through.
Preheat broiler to high. Cut sweet potatoes
in half lengthwise and scoop out flesh. Add
flesh to turkey mixture and stir to combine.
Place potato shells on a baking sheet
and spoon in turkey mixture, topping with
cheese. Broil 5 minutes, or until cheese is
brown and bubbling. Remove, sprinkle
with scallions and serve.
Recipe adapted from TheMushroomCouncil.com.

Tasty Trend
Trading out half your ground meat/poultry for chopped mushrooms adds
vitamins and fiber while reducing sodium and fat, according to Eric Davis, a
spokesperson for The Mushroom Council. The flavor and texture are hardly
affected, and carnivores and veggie-averse kids will never know what’s missing
or, more important, what’s been added!
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