Oxygen USA – July-August 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

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Use the following guidelines
to get the most out of these
inside-out ab crushers.
Save the best for last.
Because these exercises truly
fatigue the muscles of your
core, put them at the end of
your workout. Otherwise, you
compromise safety on other
exercises, particularly those
done standing, so pick a few
anti-moves and perform them
postworkout for optimal results.
Forget about the burn.
Just because it doesn’t burn
doesn’t mean it’s not working,
and anti-exercises won’t
necessarily feel diffi cult while
you’re performing them. This
is a diff erent type of training,
and you shouldn’t expect to be
sweat-soaked after. However,
tomorrow you’re guaranteed to
be sore through and through.

Err on the side of caution.
Because the muscles you’re
targeting with anti-movements
are likely undertrained, choose
your weights wisely. It’s better
to undershoot on resistance
until you discover how your
body responds.

Secure a band around
a sturdy object just
above the fl oor, then lie
faceup with your head
a few feet away from
the anchor. Lift your legs
over your hips so both
knees and hips make
90-degree angles, and
hold the band with both
hands over your chest,
arms straight. There
should be enough ten-
sion in the band so that
you have to actively
hold it in place. Press
your lower back into the
fl oor and hold it here as
you slowly extend one
leg out until it is straight
and hovering just above
the fl oor. Return your
leg to the start and con-
tinue, alternating sides.

Training tip: Do this
move slowly and with
control to ensure that
your lower back stays
glued to the fl oor and
that you’re working
your abs, not your hips.

Get into plank with your elbows directly underneath your shoulders and your head, hips and heels
aligned. Rotate your arms inward so that your forearms are parallel to one another. From here, crawl
one forearm forward over the other while keeping your toes in place for two to three steps. Return to the
start to complete one rep.

Training tip: Keep your hips low and your core braced to prevent your lower back from sagging, and
push backward through your heels and contract your quads to stabilize your lower body.



Any prone plank
variation will work
your core in anti-
extension. Change
your planks up from
workout to workout
for optimal results.
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