Oxygen USA – July-August 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1

70 summer 2019

Loop a resistance band around a rig or
machine leg at shoulder height. Stand side-
ways to the anchor and grip the handle with
both hands at your chest, elbows down. Step
away from the anchor to create tension and
stand with your feet hip-width apart. Slowly
extend your arms, resisting the lateral pull
of the band, until they reach full extension at
shoulder height. Hold here for two to three
seconds, then slowly return to the start. Do all
reps on one side, then switch.

Training tip: Set the band at diff erent heights to
change the emphasis of the move. Alternately,
perform it while sitting or kneeling for variety.

Any off set
movement —
such as a farmer’s
carry, suitcase
carry, waiter’s
walk or even a
side plank — which
requires one side
of your body to
contract against
the weight held on
the other, will work
your core in anti-
lateral fl exion.

Sit on the fl oor with your feet and knees together and hold a light medicine ball at your chest. Keep your
back straight as you incline backward until your torso is approximately 45 degrees to the fl oor. Extend
the ball straight out in front of you in line with your shoulders. Moving your upper body as one unit, rotate
quickly to the left as far as you can and hold for three to fi ve seconds. Then rotate all the way to the right
and hold another three to fi ve seconds to complete one rep.

Training tip: Your shoulders will likely fatigue before your midsection. Use a lighter ball, if needed, or extend
your hold time to keep the demand on your core muscles high.


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