Oxygen USA – July-August 2019

(Rick Simeone) #1
How loud are
the sounds
of summer?

Earbuds/headphones 85-110 dB
Lawn mower 90-110 dB
Leaf blower 95-115 dB
Concert 100-120 dB
Fireworks 150-175 dB

Tide II
This shoe from Vionic carries
the seal of approval from the
American Podiatric Medical
Association, and with good
reason: Patented technology
alleviates heel pain, built-in
orthotics support your arches
and secure your heel, and a
fl exible midsole absorbs shock
and reduces joint stress.

Eego Flip-Flops
Designed by a physiotherapist
and podiatrist, these cute and
comfy sandals feature heel
control and arch support,
reducing strain and impact
while maintaining proper
heel position.

Oolala Geo
With hand-painted
details, a patented foot
bed and impact-absorption
technology, this sandal has
you looking and feeling your
best this summer. Bonus:
Three percent of every sale
is donated to breast cancer

Who doesn’t love wearing
yoga pants all day or
kicking it at the pool in
your swimsuit? Trouble
is, bacteria loves heat,
and when you lounge
around in warm, wet
clothes, you’re creating
the perfect foster home
for millions of yeasty
beasties. Bacteria trapped
in your clothing close to
your body means a greater
likelihood of infection,
and you might even
notice higher amounts
of vaginal discharge as
a result of the heat, says
Leah S. Millheiser, M.D.,
director of the Female
Sexual Medicine Program
at Stanford University.
Vulvar irritation,
especially if one labia is
longer than the other, also
can be more prevalent in

Change your clothes
immediately after
working out, and if you’re
prone to infections, keep
a dry bathing suit to swap
out with the wet one
between dips. To prevent
or quell irritation from
chafi ng, put Vaseline on
your labia three to four
times a day, especially
before exercising.


4 | EYES
Just like your skin, your
eyes need protection from
the sun. However, 27
percent of Americans don’t
wear sunglasses, according
to The Vision Council.
“Conditions like macular
degeneration, cataracts
and sunburn of the eyes
can occur from excessive
UV exposure,” says Jeff rey
Anshel, O.D., optometrist
in Encinitas, California, and
author of Smart Medicine
for Your Eyes (Square One,
January 2011), adding that
the eff ect of this exposure is

Always don sunglasses
when you’re outside,
even when it’s cloudy;
UV rays still penetrate
clouds like a knife through
butter. Choose sunglasses
with both UVA and UVB
protection and polarized
lenses, especially if you’re
frequently around water.
If you wear them, opt for
UV-protective contact
lenses for an added layer
of protection. And don’t
forget to wear a hat with a
brim, which shades your
face from direct UV rays,
Anshel says.

5 | FEET
Because they don’t off er
any support, fl ip-fl ops may
cause issues when worn
for prolonged durations of
walking and standing. “They
could aff ect your gait and
posture, which can lead to a
tremendous amount of stress
not only to the feet but also
the rest of the body,” says
Miguel Cunha, DPM, founder
of Gotham Footcare in New
York City. Flip-fl ops alter the
biomechanics and distribution
of pressure and weight across
your feet, which can cause
overpronation, and because
there’s little to no support,
your toes have to grip the shoe
with each step, causing strain
and tendonitis. What’s more,
if you have underlying issues
like hammertoes, arch or heel
pain, or shinsplints, fl ip-fl ops
could worsen these conditions.

Several companies now off er
ergonomic, biomechanically
correct fl ip-fl op options
with arch support, heel
stabilization and extra
cushioning. If you have
traditional rubber shoes with
no support, wear them only
in short bursts, perhaps just to
and from the pool or a quick
step in and out of the house.
Of course, if you don’t have
any foot issues, you could
technically go for longer
periods, as long as you’re not
feeling any pain.





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