
(Greg DeLong) #1

Cyberpunk 2077
April 2020
Of course CD Projekt Red’s
latest and greatest is on this
list. E3 saw a new CGI trailer
and – shock – an actual
release date for the Polish
developer’s upcoming gritty
sci-fi romp. Get ready to stab
some guys with your nifty
arm-blades on April 16, 2020.
Now with more Keanu Reeves!

  • Developer
    CD Projekt Red

  • Publisher CD Projekt

Starmancer TBC
It’s Dwarf Fortress, but in space. We don’t know exactly how closely it
resembles the resource-management classic, but it hands the player the
responsibility of running a space colony under threat from natural hazards
and marauding bandits. It looks great, too – intricately detailed pixel art
bringing your little colony to life.

  • Developer Ominux Games • Publisher Chucklefish

Minecraft Dungeons Spring 2020
Honestly, this looks good as hell. A four-player co-op dungeon crawler in
the vein of Diablo, but with the cutesy, cubic art style of Minecraft? We
didn’t see this one coming, but after watching it in action, we’re pleasantly
surprised; it’s bringing a genuinely fun and unique twist to the dungeon-
crawling genre.

  • Developer Mojang • Publisher Microsoft Studios

Blair Witch August 2019
Truly good horror games can be few and far
between, so we’re hoping that this one will
scare the pants off us. It looks like it’s
checking all the boxes, too. Spooky
teleporting monsters? Yup. A haunted forest?
Check. Protagonist with a trusty old-school
video camera? You got it.

  • Developer Bloober Team

  • Publisher Lionsgate Games

Elden Ring TBC 2020
FromSoftware and George R.R. Martin? It’s
safe to assume that we’ll be doing some (read:
a lot of ) dying in this game. Creator Hidetaka
Miyazaki has confirmed that it’ll be From’s
biggest game ever. No mention of whether
everyone’s favorite Mother of Dragons will
cameo, though.

  • Developer FromSoftware

  • Publisher Bandai Namco

Dying Light 2 TBC 2020
The first Dying Light was a surprise success, a
fast-paced combo of parkour and melee
combat in a zombie-infested city. This looks
darker, with protagonist Aiden in the process
of succumbing to the undead virus, but it still
has the same amount of zombie

  • Developer Techland

  • Publisher Square Enix








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