New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1


PHOTOS: Getty, Wenn,

his girlfriend of two weeks

@unahealy who I love even
more for her blessing.”
But our source told us a
very different story.
“Una claims she didn’t give
Ben her blessing,” added the pal.
“She’s shocked he’d jump into
something so quickly and thinks
he’s taking a huge gamble.”
Rugby player Ben obviously
doesn’t feel the same way as
he’s already declared Jackie,
who he met in Nantucket, “will
be a great step mum to Aoife
and Tadhg”. And that apparently
hasn’t gone down well with Una,
37, who’s angry he didn’t sit her
down to tell her marriage was
on the cards.
“Una feels undermined by
Ben’s behaviour and that, as
the mother of their children, the
least she deserved was to know
something as big as this,” our
source said.
“She can’t get her head around
the fact that Ben left her in the
dark about his marital status
when she has to factor in that
Jackie would be a much bigger
part of Aoife and Tadhg’s life.”
Meanwhile, last week, Jackie’s
dad Peter Smith scoffed at claims
his daughter had only dated Ben
for two weeks, saying, “I believe
it was a bit more than a fortnight.”
Una and Ben ended their six-
year marriage in July last year
after he was accused of cheating
on her with PR girl Becky Milne.
At the time, Una admitted Ben’s
infidelity left her feeling lost,
saying, “My life has been turned
upside down.”
The pair went on to amicably
co-parent and Una has found love
with Irish hurling champ David
Breen, but it looks like Ben’s
shock wedding could put a strain
on the former couple’s relationship.
“This revelation has rocked
Una’s world,” our insider added.
“They were civil, but this has

really blown up. She feels
disrespected and that she’s been
made to look a bit of a fool.”
Ben, who married Jackie on a
yacht in Massachusetts, defended
their whirlwind wedding, praising
the New Yorker for showing
him “devoted love” during the
“toughest” year of his life.
“People will say we are
mad or crazy or even fools, as
@snackyjax and I had only been
dating seriously for a little over
2 weeks before deciding to get
married. But when someone like
her comes in to your life, why
would I wait?” he wrote.

Listing her qualities, he added,
“Life is short and you only get one
and it’s worth living. Jackie is the
greatest human being I’ve ever
come across – she’s beautiful
inside and out, intelligent,
charming, funny, generous, kind,
gentle, energetic the list goes on.”
When Jackie was asked by
a follower online if she thought
Ben would stray, she replied,
“I really don’t think he will!!! Like
nothing in my gut gives me that
impression.” Referring to the
critics, she wrote, “But if he does,
I know exactly who I’ll unleash
on him hahaha.”

And when one troll suggested
taking bets on how long the
marriage would last, Jackie
joked, “I’m in. Let’s do this.”
While Ben enjoys wedded bliss,
Una’s reportedly being supported
by her former bandmates Frankie
Bridge, Rochelle Humes, Mollie
King and Vanessa White.
“The girls have all been there
for Una,” claimed another source.
“As soon as they heard what
happened, Rochelle, Mollie,
Vanessa and Frankie were
straight on their phones as they
were worried about their friend.
“They’ve rallied round to
support her. She’s a strong woman,
but her friends have let her know
that they’ll be there for her as it
is still a shock to the system that
Ben would remarry so soon.”
Stay strong, Una!
Karmel Doughty



‘Una claims she didn’t give

Ben her blessing‘

He said Jackie
is the “greatest
human” he’s
ever met

The couple
married on
a yacht

Ben shared a pic
of their rings on
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