New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1

And does Marie Kondo spark
joy for you?!
I was giving out the same advice
back in 2005! I always say if it’s
not useful, beautiful or seriously
sentimental, get rid of it. A lot of
us are wading through clutter –
and you can’t clean around mess

  • but you don’t need to strip your
    home bare, either. I don’t know
    how people live the Marie
    Kondo way – you have to have
    character in your home because
    it represents you. You should be
    able to entertain there, cry there
    and it should be nurturing.
    Knowing how much you love
    cleaning, were you upset when
    Lizzie Cundy admitted that she
    regularly wees in your shower?!
    It’s taken me a long time to get
    over that. She stays here quite a
    bit – she’s even got her own key

  • and it’s like having a child back
    at home. She leaves a trail of
    clothes behind her and, when

I pull the bed sheets back, it looks
like the Shroud of Turin from all
the fake tan!
We would never have guessed
you were such good friends...
It’s why I drink so much wine!
We’ve known each other for
about six years now and, although
she’s over here all the time, I’ve
never seen her without make-up!
We are complete opposites but
we adore each other.
Lizzie is quite a party animal.
Does that mean you’re not as
sweet and innocent as you look?
What can I say, still waters run
deep! I’m not as wild as Lizzie –
I’m always having to lend her
knickers because she tries to go
out in unsuitable underwear! She
has an amazing body, though.
You’re in great shape, too...
I try! I think genetically I am the
shape I am and I try not to abuse
that. I try to do something three
times a week. I run a bit, but I hate

‘I haven’t frowned

since I was 40 because

of Botox!’

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