New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1

running, it’s the most boring thing
in the world. I like Pilates and
yoga and I make myself do
weights now, as the chance of me
getting osteoporosis is higher.
Do you feel more pressure to stay
in shape being in the public eye?
No. I’d be exactly the same if I
was working in an estate agents.
My sister had spina bifida and
died when she was 15. I have
been handed a working body,
so why abuse it?
Did losing your sister change
how you felt about your health?
Not immediately, but later on it
did. When you’re young you think
it’s all going to last forever –
you’ve got great skin and a good
figure, so you don’t think about it.
I have never understood why
people would destroy themselves.
Have you had any surgery?
I had my boobs done back in the
early 80s. I’ve had non-surgical
Silhouette Soft threads in my
cheeks and my neck. I obviously
haven’t frowned since I was 40
and often haven’t looked as angry
as I have wanted to because of
the Botox! I don’t have filler
in now. I did have some in my
cheeks but it didn’t suit me
because I naturally have a fat
face. I don’t mind that, though,
because it ages better. I’m playing
the long game.
What do you think of all the
young reality stars having
cosmetic work done?
You don’t need it until you’re
somewhere around your forties.
You just tidy up as you go along,
and that way you don’t need to
do anything too drastic.
You wrote a book about how to
survive divorce. What did your
divorces teach you?
My greatest lesson from all of
it was that I’m OK on my own.
I didn’t think I was. I thought I was
codependent. I was frightened to
death of the whole idea of divorce
because I thought I was going to
be a rudderless ship drifting into
the abyss. It’s taken a while but I’m
pleased to say I’ve become self-
sufficient and back to being me.
Did you find it liberating to be
single again?
It is liberating, but also terrifying
and frightening. I think that’s why
people stay in bad relationships

  • they’re too frightened of the
    other side, myself included. I’ve
    enjoyed trappings of great wealth
    when Grant was doing very well
    and you sit and think, “I had this
    huge house with 200 acres and
    staff, but am I any less happy
    sitting in my little flat? No!” You
    come back to being your core
    self, your inner person, and you

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