New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1

become more spiritual. A lot
of people just want to find
another man, but I think if you are
wise, you will take yourself on an
inward-looking emotional journey
and find “you” again.
Was it a conscious decision to
have time on your own?
I just wanted to see who I was.
It wasn’t always a happy path
because you can feel lonely and
you want to plug that gap. It’s like
being on a diet and thinking, “Oh
stuff it, I want to have that piece
of cake.” Looking back, it’s
probably been one of the best
things that has happened to me
because I am now a much more
rounded person. But it’s hard to
find yourself on your own, as the
kids were also off getting their
own lives. It was a big change that
can rip your innards out with
loneliness, but then you find you
are OK with yourself after all.
Did you have therapy?
Oh yeah, I’ve had a lot of therapy.
I’ve done a lot of research and
I tried a few people before I found
the right therapist for me. I didn’t
want someone to have a friendly
chat with – I have real friends for
that. I wanted someone who
would challenge my behaviour
patterns and help me break cycles.
You still have a great relationship
with your stepdaughters. Were
you worried that might not
happen after your divorce?
I had a conversation with the girls
when Grant and I split. I was so

traumatised at the thought of
losing them. But what I didn’t
realise is that they were also
having the same feelings. Claudia
said to me, “I can’t remember a
time in my life when you weren’t
there. So why would it be any
different?” I can’t imagine them
not being in my life and I can’t
wait for them to have babies. It’s
not an umbilical cord relationship

  • it’s a choice we make to stay in
    each other’s lives. I like them and
    they like me. It’s almost better.
    They don’t have to, but we want
    to hang out together.
    Are you seeing anyone right now?
    I’m going on lots of dates – I’m
    What’s your criteria?
    They have to make me laugh
    and be up for an adventure. They
    need to have the “thing”. It’s just
    a feeling, a spark. At my age,
    you’re no longer looking for the
    father of your children, so all that
    criteria is gone. I’m probably
    ready for a relationship now,
    whereas I wasn’t before. I’m
    rather glad that a knight in shining
    armour didn’t scoop me up
    because I’ve sorted it all out for
    myself. No one wants someone
    who’s got “bitter and twisted”
    tattooed on their forehead and
    talks about their ex all the time.
    Do you enjoy dating?
    I think of it as like buying a pair
    of jeans – you have to try on 15
    different pairs before you take
    home the one that fits. You wish
    the first pair fitted perfectly, but
    they never do!
    Would you marry again?
    Having been married twice [she
    was with DJ Peter Powell from
    1990 to 1998], I do believe in
    marriage and it makes you work
    harder at a relationship. My
    default is to share my life with
    somebody and, especially at this
    age, when you’re no longer
    running around after children, you
    can have some fun. I want
    someone who will nurture and
    support me and have my back. If
    I‘m lucky with my health, I’ve got
    about another 20 years and I want
    to make the most of them.
    You did Celebrity First Dates –
    would you go on any other
    dating shows?
    My agent practically had to drag
    me there for that one! My date
    ended up being a bit of a plonker,
    but that was probably for the best.
    I absolutely know within the next
    12 months I will meet somebody.
    I’m a great believer that if you put
    it out to the universe, it will provide.
    How are you feeling about
    turning 60 next year?
    I’m very accepting of it. I have
    a happy life. Of course it would be

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