New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1

great to be 30 years younger, but
only if I could know what I know
now. I was always such a worrier.
I know there are more years
behind me than in front of me,
but I’m OK with that. I’ll make the
most of the ones to come.
You called breakfast TV a “toxic”
environment. How do you feel
about it now, especially with
Amanda Holden and Phillip
Scholfield battling it out?
I walked into a very hostile
environment. I’d come from Blue
Peter and was employed to be
a bit lighter, less about the hard
news and to cover more of the
entertainment side of things.
However, I was made to feel
inferior and openly sneered at
by a few. Some mornings I felt

physically sick at the thought
of going into work, but you get
on with it because it’s your job.
Thank God I was sharing
a dressing room with the wise
and lovely Lorraine Kelly, who
remains a friend to this day.
Would you ever return to
breakfast TV?
No, I think that time has passed
for me and I think it’s moved on
so much. Piers Morgan is brilliant
on GMB, though. I love Piers.
How would you handle him?
I think I’d be the same as Susanna
Reid, to be honest. She does
a good job with him.
Would you ever write a tell-all
I don’t think there’s any more to
tell, I’ve never really hidden much.

Everything that has happened has
already been in the press.
Has it been hard living your
whole life in the public eye?
No, because when you’re in the
eye of the storm you don’t think
about it. I’ve been doing this for
32 years and that experience
tempers you. For example, I’d
never write a text or an email that
I wouldn’t expect to see in public.
Isn’t that frustrating?
No, it just makes you think first.
What do you think is the biggest
misconception about you?
I’m more opinionated than people
think I am, and I’m much more
laidback. I’m a girls’ girl. But
I understand why some people
may think I’m that way – after
all I was branded “Princess
Tippy Toes” and I presented a
show called Perfect Housewife.
But I’m not uptight.
You’ve taken part in a lot of
reality shows...
I’ve only done reality shows
where you learn to do something.
I did The Jump because I was
frightened of it. It scared me
witless. Grant and I had just split
up and it was the best therapy.

I spent eight weeks practically
trying to kill myself on those
slopes! I literally ran away, but I
had a great time and I was proud
to be the last woman standing.
Was there a point when you
thought you weren’t getting work
because of your age?
Yes, 100 per cent. Suddenly you’re
not young enough and you’re
overlooked. But now people are
realising that the audience want
to see people the same age as
them, with a bit of life experience

  • and I certainly have that!
    What would be your dream job?
    I’d love to present a cleaning show
    or a magazine-style TV show, but
    I’m a Gemini, so don’t pigeonhole
    me! I did Blue Peter, so I’m a
    Jack-of-all-trades. It was the best
    TV training you could have. Dangle
    out of a helicopter? Go on then!
    Make a papier-mâché Tracy
    Island? No problem! I’m currently
    doing my show on Scala Radio
    with my friend Chris Rogers and
    I love it. It’s the best way to spend
    a Sunday morning. All of a sudden
    I’m being employed not in spite of
    my age, but because of it.

‘I’m rather glad that a

knight in shining armour

didn’t scoop me up’

PHOTOGRAPHER: David Cummings STYLING: Zoe Kozlik HAIR & MAKE UP: Shari Rendle
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