New! Magazine – 19 August 2019

(Romina) #1

so we speak about that
in the show. It is a bit
sad that everybody has
gone their own way, but
that’s life.
Do you ever bump into
your ex-girlfriend
Charlotte Crosby?
We bumped into each
other at one of Aaron’s
fights. It was just like,
“Hello, are you alright?”
Emma was there too
and it was all fine.
Tell us about Geordie OGs
and why you wanted to
take part...
I feel like on Geordie Shore
you only saw one side of
us. We’d go into the house,
get smashed, fight and then
leave. So I think, for me, the
reason why I did this show is
because people in the street
still see that person that was
there all those years ago. I think
it’ll be a shock for everyone to
see me in my day-to-day life.
How did Emma find being
on camera?
She was like, “If you want to do
it, I’ll do it.” Emma is an amazing
mother. She’s a very “mumsy”
person. She will do anything to
make sure Chester is OK. I said
just do what you do and you’ll
come across like that on TV.
Did you have any reservations
about putting Chester on a
TV show?
Not with something like this
because it’s natural. We never
made him do anything he didn’t
want to do and he still had his
routine. He has a nap every day
from 12pm-2pm, so the cameras
left and came back. But there’s
no way I’d go visit the Geordie
Shore house and take him in.

How would you feel if he
wanted to go into reality TV
when he’s older?
If he wanted to, then I would let
him. Probably not my daughter,
though! [laughs] Hopefully they’ll
go to a good school, maybe
university and get a good job.
Now that you’ve got a taste of
the cameras following your
family, would you consider
doing your own show?
It’s such a commitment. This
was perfect because we filmed
three days a week for six weeks.
If it was six days for six weeks
then that would be too much.
Finally, how do you think you
have changed over the last
few years?
I feel so lucky that I did Geordie
Shore, but the whole celebrity
thing is just so fake. It doesn’t feel
like real life. Getting up every day
and taking the bins out and going
swimming with your kid – that’s
real and I love it.

Geordie OGs is on Wednesdays
at 9pm on MTV

Spending quality
time with Chester

Family man Gaz
with Emma and
their son Chester
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