Pearl – August 2019

(Sean Pound) #1
the free will of the
human being, by which
each one himself deter-
mines the degree of
maturity of his develop-
ment, whereby a uniform
maturing of all human
beings is excluded. As a
consequence, unequal
earthly conditions and
lifelong habits also
emerge. For this reason,
any attempt at equalisa-
tion, wherever it may be,
is doomed to failure
from the outset.
At the same time, it
should be noted that in
spite of all the inequality
humans can yet have the
most diverse homoge-
neous species.


he difference in
spiritual maturity is
confirmed by the different blood composition, because
the spirit forms the blood. The blood groups A, B, AB and
O did not remain the only ones; they were considerably
extended. But during the investigations another step was
eventually taken by establishing total blood types of
individuals. In doing so it was discovered that with the
increasing number of personal types there were ever
fewer persons with exactly the same total types, thus with
the same blood composition. With further improvement
on the methods of investigation there would hardly be
any human beings left with the same total blood types.
The reason for this is that, in spite of the same basic
spiritual disposition, there will hardly be two people
who, as a manifestation of the free will, are completely
alike in their spiritual development and maturity.
But since the spirit forms the blood, a differing blood
composition must also correspond with the varying
spiritual maturity of humans! Hence the diverging
personal total blood types.
The spirit influences the physical body through the
blood. It is in this sense that the saying of Schiller must
be taken: ‘It is the spirit that builds the body’ (The
Death of Wallenstein 3, 13); and W. v. Humboldt said: ‘It
is unbelievable how much strength the soul can lend the
body’ (Letter to a friend, 1833). The lending of strength
is again only possible via the blood as a mediator. It
simply is, as Goethe said, ‘a very special liquid’, because
its formation is influenced by the spirit.
Thus the knowledge of humans about Creation
expands ever more. It helps to make the cooperation of
the circles, whether in social, cultural or business

relations, a joyful and harmonious one, becoming ever
more perfect.
Looking back, people will come to understand why
the former classes had become involved in a power
struggle, and had fought one another to extermination.


t was due to the wrong division into upper, middle and
lower social classes. This was the fundamental evil right
from the beginning. It bred arrogance in the upper classes
and hate and envy in the lower, while the middle classes in
their indolent comfort became ever more impassive.
Also the political parties stood on wrong soil. This
showed itself in continual disagreements and quarrels,
increasing to the point of hostility and preventing a
lasting, fruitful cooperation for the welfare of the people.
In the new era these wrong divisions will no longer
be possible, because in stead of working beneath and on
top of each other all circles will work side by side,
through the recognition that in the God-Willed order of
Creation each circle is an equally valuable and therefore
indispensable member, and just as impor tant as the
other in the fulfilment of its earthly duties. For every
circle that forms according to the Law of Attraction of
Homogeneous Species has its earthly and spiritual
values which complement one another and belong
absolutely to the growth and prosperity of the whole
people. Therefore no circle can look down upon any
other. Gellert expresses this mutual complementing in a
simple way: ‘You do not have what others have, and
others lack your gifts; from this deficiency springs good
fellowship’ (Fables: ‘The Blind Man and the Lame Man’).
All this the people of the new earth have recognised
to be right, and they eagerly strive now to make the
Laws of Creation the basis of their entire earthly life.
After all, they know from conviction that the Will of
God is expressed in His Laws of Creation, and that only
obedience to these Laws is equivalent to fulfilment of
the Divine Will. Out of this has grown mutual respect
and consideration, with the firm intention no longer to
harm one's fellow-man.
With this recognition mankind have at last attained
to the longed-for inward and outward peace. There is
neither mass misery, nor class warfare or pride of place.
For they know only the one goal: true humanity to the
honour of God!


t lies with men of the present time to attain this goal.
This picture of the future should help in this, and
should stimulate reflection.
It introduces Creation's Law of the Attraction of
Homogeneous Species, which is so important for men's
association together, and the main outline demonstrates
its application in the social field.
Perhaps through this it will also become easier to
understand the affliction and confusion in present-day
human society. 

Pearl • August 2019 25

Every (social)

circle that forms

according to the

Law of Attraction

of Homogeneous

Species has its

earthly and spiri-

tual values which

complement one

another and

belong absolutely

to the growth and

prosperity of the

whole people.

the free will of the
human being, by which
each one himself deter-
mines the degree of
maturity of his develop-
ment, whereby a uniform
maturing of all human
beings is excluded. As a
consequence, unequal
earthly conditions and
lifelong habits also
emerge. For this reason,
any attempt at equalisa-
tion, wherever it may be,
is doomed to failure
from the outset.
At the same time, it
should be noted that in
spite of all the inequality
humans can yet have the
most diverse homoge-
neous species.


he difference in
spiritual maturity is
confirmed by the different blood composition, because
the spirit forms the blood. The blood groups A, B, AB and
O did not remain the only ones; they were considerably
extended. But during the investigations another step was
eventually taken by establishing total blood types of
individuals. In doing so it was discovered that with the
increasing number of personal types there were ever
fewer persons with exactly the same total types, thus with
the same blood composition. With further improvement
on the methods of investigation there would hardly be
any human beings left with the same total blood types.
The reason for this is that, in spite of the same basic
spiritual disposition, there will hardly be two people
who, as a manifestation of the free will, are completely
alike in their spiritual development and maturity.
But since the spirit forms the blood, a differing blood
composition must also correspond with the varying
spiritual maturity of humans! Hence the diverging
personal total blood types.
The spirit influences the physical body through the
blood. It is in this sense that the saying of Schiller must
be taken: ‘It is the spirit that builds the body’ (The
Death of Wallenstein 3, 13); and W. v. Humboldt said: ‘It
is unbelievable how much strength the soul can lend the
body’ (Letter to a friend, 1833). The lending of strength
is again only possible via the blood as a mediator. It
simply is, as Goethe said, ‘a very special liquid’, because
its formation is influenced by the spirit.
Thus the knowledge of humans about Creation
expands ever more. It helps to make the cooperation of
the circles, whether in social, cultural or business

relations, a joyful and harmonious one, becoming ever
more perfect.
Looking back, people will come to understand why
the former classes had become involved in a power
struggle, and had fought one another to extermination.


t was due to the wrong division into upper, middle and
lower social classes. This was the fundamental evil right
from the beginning. It bred arrogance in the upper classes
and hate and envy in the lower, while the middle classes in
their indolent comfort became ever more impassive.
Also the political parties stood on wrong soil. This
showed itself in continual disagreements and quarrels,
increasing to the point of hostility and preventing a
lasting, fruitful cooperation for the welfare of the people.
In the new era these wrong divisions will no longer
be possible, because in stead of working beneath and on
top of each other all circles will work side by side,
through the recognition that in the God-Willed order of
Creation each circle is an equally valuable and therefore
indispensable member, and just as impor tant as the
other in the fulfilment of its earthly duties. For every
circle that forms according to the Law of Attraction of
Homogeneous Species has its earthly and spiritual
values which complement one another and belong
absolutely to the growth and prosperity of the whole
people. Therefore no circle can look down upon any
other. Gellert expresses this mutual complementing in a
simple way: ‘You do not have what others have, and
others lack your gifts; from this deficiency springs good
fellowship’ (Fables: ‘The Blind Man and the Lame Man’).
All this the people of the new earth have recognised
to be right, and they eagerly strive now to make the
Laws of Creation the basis of their entire earthly life.
After all, they know from conviction that the Will of
God is expressed in His Laws of Creation, and that only
obedience to these Laws is equivalent to fulfilment of
the Divine Will. Out of this has grown mutual respect
and consideration, with the firm intention no longer to
harm one's fellow-man.
With this recognition mankind have at last attained
to the longed-for inward and outward peace. There is
neither mass misery, nor class warfare or pride of place.
For they know only the one goal: true humanity to the
honour of God!


t lies with men of the present time to attain this goal.
This picture of the future should help in this, and
should stimulate reflection.
It introduces Creation's Law of the Attraction of
Homogeneous Species, which is so important for men's
association together, and the main outline demonstrates
its application in the social field.
Perhaps through this it will also become easier to
understand the affliction and confusion in present-day
human society. 

Pearl • August 2019 25

Every (social)

circle that forms

according to the

Law of Attraction

of Homogeneous

Species has its

earthly and spiri-

tual values which

complement one

another and

belong absolutely

to the growth and

prosperity of the

whole people.

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