Pearl – August 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

‘In order to convey to mankind such knowledge, which gives them

a clear and intelligible conviction of the working of God in His
Justice and Love, I have written the Work “In the Light of Truth”,

which leaves no gap, contains the answer to every question, and
clearly shows mankind how wonderful are the ways in Creation

that are upheld by many servants of His Will.’

‘Not a single question remains unsolved for you; a great
understanding arises within you of the mysterious working of the

adamantine Laws in Creation, which guide you with the

outworkings of your volition; and as a crowning for your trouble
comes the wonderful divining of a Wisdom, of an Omnipotence,

of a Love and of a Justice that can only issue from God, Whose
Being you therewith discover!’


  • In a 3-volume set or a composite volume
    Available online or in bookstores
    Tel (UK): +44 (0)141 5302144

‘In order to convey to mankind such knowledge, which gives them

a clear and intelligible conviction of the working of God in His

Justice and Love, I have written the Work “In the Light of Truth”,

which leaves no gap, contains the answer to every question, and

clearly shows mankind how wonderful are the ways in Creation

that are upheld by many servants of His Will.’

‘Not a single question remains unsolved for you; a great

understanding arises within you of the mysterious working of the

adamantine Laws in Creation, which guide you with the

outworkings of your volition; and as a crowning for your trouble

comes the wonderful divining of a Wisdom, of an Omnipotence,

of a Love and of a Justice that can only issue from God, Whose

Being you therewith discover!’


  • In a 3-volume set or a composite volume
    Available online or in bookstores
    Tel (UK): +44 (0)141 5302144

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