Australian Healthy Food Guide – September 2019

(Axel Boer) #1
✓^ Vegetable-packed
Most salads are full of veg — and
only 7 per cent of us meet the
daily target. Vegies also make
a great meal base, brimming with
essential nutrients and fi bre.

✓^ Well-balanced meal
Salad bars have come a long
way, with fi lling protein-packed
choices paired with high-fi bre
carbs — like egg with quinoa,
or salmon with buckwheat soba
noodles. If there’s a nutrition
information panel available, aim
for 1700–2000kJ (400–480cal)
for a main meal, and around
800kJ (190cal) for a side.

✓^ Mix ‘n’ match
Salad bars usually offer some
basic options, too, like grilled
veg or Greek salads. These are
ideal to pair with a can of tuna
from your desk drawer, or with
leftover meats from last night.

✗^ Excess kilojoules
Creamy mayonnaise dressings,
crispy croutons and cheeses
like feta are rich in fat — and
can contribute a lot of extra
kilojoules. Keep things light
with balsamic or lemon-style
dressings, and enjoy small
portions of healthy fats like
avocado, nuts and olive oil.

✗^ Carb coma
Carbs help keep you satisfi ed,
but pasta and potato-based
salads can over-do it. Instead
of fi lling a container with these
carb-rich salads, split it 50/50
with a leafy green version.

✗^ Salty situation
Some exotic Asian dressings,
rich cheeses and processed
meats can spike your salt intake,
so take it easy on these extras.
Opt for a salad with less than
400mg of sodium per serve.



Are store-bought salads light and healthy, or full of hidden calories?
HFGdietitianMelissa Meier shows how to make friends with them.

How many


in premade salads?


rom creamy coleslaw to
crunchy Caesar, premade
salads can seem like a
healthy choice when you’re
in a rush at the shops or need
a quick bite at a food court.
Some choices, however, can
be surprisingly high in hidden
kilojoules and fat. So, before
you make your selection at
the salad bar, here’s what
you need to consider.
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