Best – 20 August 2019

(Michael S) #1



o you believe
in fairies?
Some people

might think that’s an odd

question, but I don’t. Ever

since I was a little girl,

I’ve known that fairies live

alongside us humans. Not

only that – I believe that, if

you’re open to them, they

can guide your life and

even infuse it with their

special brand of magic.

I first became aware of their

existence when my parents

split up – I was five years old.

Unable to decide whether I

wanted to live with my mum

or my dad, I went to stay with

my grandmother. I have vivid

memories of her pruning her

beautiful, fragrant roses, with

me collecting the petals to

make ‘perfume’ for the flower

fairies. The next day, it would

always be gone.

Even back then, I always

associated fairies with nature

and, spending hours poring

over the pictures in my

grandmother’s flower fairy

books, it made sense that

each fairy would be attached

to a different flower.

I even saw the delicate

creatures, mostly as flashes

of brightly coloured lights.

I didn’t question them; they

were as real to me as my


As a teenager, growing up in

London, my interest shifted

to music and fashion, but

the fairies never left me and

I never forgot about them,

‘I believe in

Ever since she was a child,

Karen Kay has believed

in fairies. In fact, she says,

they guide her life...

us all to
in fairies

Titania and
Oberon? No,
it’s Karen
and Michael!

‘If^ there’s
one^ thing
I’ve^ learned’
‘Expect^ the^ unexpected
and^ believe^ in^ the^ mag


and^ wonder^ of^ life.^ Mira

really^ are^ possible,^
and^ you’re^ never^ too^
old^ to^ believe^
in^ fairies!’^
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