Best – 20 August 2019

(Michael S) #1

the week
13-19 August
with Russell


our stars

22 December

  • 20 January
    It might feel as if
    everything you do is an
    uphill struggle. Stop telling yourself
    you are wasting your time. Setbacks
    can be overcome if you persevere. Are
    you looking for work? Luck will come
    through making job enquiries in areas
    you wouldn’t normally consider. You
    have the power to transform your life.

21 January

  • 19 February
    A friendship that has
    been tense of late is
    more harmonious. You will be glad
    you were patient and understanding
    with someone who has been touchy.
    Now they’re back to their normal self,
    you can look forward to having fun
    together. This is a wonderful time to
    plan a trip abroad somewhere exotic.

20 February

  • 20 March
    Some people will
    criticise your plans
    and ideas. All this will do is make you
    even more determined to succeed. A
    colleague is jealous of your creativity.
    Having a rival will inspire you to keep
    doing your best. You might shock
    yourself by making a dramatic and
    life-changing decision.

21 March – 20 April
It’s important not to let
your mind wander when
you are working on jobs
that require attention to detail. Check
and double-check your work before
turning it in. If you’re joining a new
website, be sure to use a secure
password system. Keep track of
bank statements and make sure
your personal information is secure.

22 June – 23 July
Keep telling yourself
that hurdles can be
overcome. Small
stumbling blocks keep getting in your
way but this shouldn’t deter you from
pursuing your goals. You’re ready to
expand your interests and try new
experiences. That’s why you will jump
at an offer to broaden your horizons.
Travel will be linked with your career.

24 July – 23 August
Leos, like iconic pop
diva Madonna, can
expect to feel a surge
of energy that will carry them through
the rest of the month with confidence
and dynamism. It’s going to be quite
an amazing time for those born under
this sign. Use that extra pizzazz to
dazzle friends and acquaintances

  • parties aren’t as fun without you.

24 August

  • 23 September
    You might enjoy a
    few strokes of luck
    but when you really think about it,
    there’s nothing mystical about your
    good fortune. It’s your willingness to
    make the most of good opportunities.
    Encourage a moody relative to discuss
    their worries and solutions. You prefer
    taking action to solve a problem.

24 September

  • 23 October
    Don’t dwell too
    long on a recent
    disappointment. While you are
    blaming yourself or others for a lost
    opportunity, you aren’t noticing some
    shiny new ones around you. The
    moment you let go of the past and
    take a look at what could be ahead,
    the happier your future will be.

24 October

  • 22 November
    Working alongside an
    expert will be incredibly
    rewarding. A demonstration given by
    a talented person will be fantastic to
    watch. Their talents and enthusiasm
    will inspire you to try something new.
    Take a leap into the unknown. It might
    take a while to develop new skills but
    practice will make perfect.

23 November

  • 21 December
    Someone is being
    secretive. Observe
    more than you talk. You will pick up
    a lot from watching other people’s
    actions rather than through listening
    to what they say. You could discover
    there have been some underhanded
    dealings going on. Trust your intuition
    regarding a spiritual matter.

21 April – 21 May
You’re trying to get
to the bottom of a
mystery. You sense
that a lot is being left unsaid in recent
conversations, which is annoying. You
had hoped a friend or relative would
be able to provide you with more
information. Someone is keeping
secrets from you but this won’t stop
you from discovering the truth.

22 May – 21 June
A group project will
make giant strides in
progress but there is
still a lot to do. Continue to carry
out your work with thoroughness.
Someone in a powerful position will
support and endorse plans you are
making. A practical slant is important
in all your dealings and the rewards
for this will be well worth it. P









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