Best – 20 August 2019

(Michael S) #1



evin Costner voices
dog Enzo, who
watches his owner,
Denny (Milo Ventimiglia)
romance Eve (Amanda
Seyfried) in this heartfelt
romantic drama based on
a bestselling book.

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Of^ Raci


In^ The^


‘My dog, Finn, is my rock’

Amanda Seyfried started as a
model, aged 11, and went on to
star in movies such as Mean Girls
and Mamma Mia!. The 33-year-
old is married to Thomas Sadoski
and has a daughter, Nina.

Why did the film appeal to you?
It’s a beautiful story about family,
a dog, love and connection. It’s
irresistible to watch and see
things from a dog’s perspective.

Tell us about Eve...
When we meet her, she’s in her

twenties and she has a real sense
of confidence. She’s certainly
more content than I was. But I’m
very happy since the birth of my
daughter. Motherhood changes
everything for the better. I love
being a mother.

Can you relate to the bond
Eve has with Enzo the dog?
Definitely. My dog, Finn, an
Australian shepherd-border
collie, is my rock. He’s known
me all his life, and I don’t
remember much about my life

before him. When I met my
husband, Thomas, it was really
important to me that Finn loved
and accepted him and vice versa.

Eve is diagnosed with cancer.
What’s it like playing a young
woman with a serious illness?
It was challenging, because I
get a bit obsessive about my
health as I have OCD. I said to
my husband, ‘I’m a little anxious
about what it’ll feel like when
Eve gets sick.’ Very early on, my
husband said to Milo [Ventimiglia],





Amanda Seyfried

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