The Sunday Telegraph - 11.08.2019

(vip2019) #1
The Sunday Telegraph Sunday 11 August 2019 ** 3

cured hundreds of girls and young
women from around the world for sex
with them and powerful leaders and
politicians, including the Duke of York.
The Duke categorically denies any sug-
gestion of impropriety with minors and
all the allegations made against him
were struck out by the court in 2015.
A Florida state senator told The Sun-
day Telegraph that Ms Maxwell should
“absolutely” be brought to the US for
questioning. Democrat Lauren Book
said: “In life and in death, Jeffrey Ep-
stein did everything he could to escape
accountability and silence survivors.
And he didn’t do it alone. All the money
in the world can’t erase the truth. There
are still questions to be asked and indi-
viduals to be held accountable.”
Ms Book, herself a sexual assault sur-
vivor, said she expected more women
to come forward with accusations. Ep-

stein’s death is likely to raise questions
about what happens to sex trafficking
charges, which he denied, and how
someone reportedly on suicide watch
was able to take their own life.
The news has given rise to wide-
spread speculation on social media
among conspiracy theorists pointing
how apparently convenient his death
might be to those who were accused of
operating in tandem with Epstein.
Legal commentators said his death
need not stop the investigation, with
some pointing out that police can now
search his estate and properties with-
out applying for a search warrant.
Epstein avoided federal criminal
charges in 2008 after prosecutors bro-
kered a deal that allowed him to plea to
solicitation of prostitution from a mi-
nor and serve 13 months in jail.
Among the most explosive claims in

witness statements and depositions
forming part of the 2,000 pages of
court documents is that Ms Maxwell
procured 17-year-old Virginia Roberts
Giuffre for the Duke of York to have sex
with him at her town house in London,
something he categorically denied.
In another claim in the documents it
is alleged that in 2001 the Duke touched
the breast of a young woman called Jo-
hanna Sjoberg, then 21, while the group
was at Epstein’s home. A judge de-
scribed Ms Giuffre’s claims about the
Duke of York as “immaterial and im-
pertinent” in 2015.
The material in the documents re-
leased on Friday was gathered as part
of a defamation suit brought by Ms Gi-
uffre against Ms Maxwell that was set-
tled for an undisclosed sum in 2017.
Some of the other prominent figures
Ms Giuffre claims in the documents

that she was told to have sex with in-
clude Bill Richardson, 71, the former
New Mexico governor, former senator
George Mitchell, 85, Tom Pritzker, 69,
the Hyatt hotels magnate, and Alan
Dershowitz, 80, Epstein’s lawyer.
All the men named by Ms Giuffre
have issued denials, with some of them,
including Dershowitz, insisting that
they had never met her.
No charges have been filed against
anyone other than Epstein.
The documents allege that Ms Max-
well assisted Epstein in luring young
girls from schools, colleges and spas

around Palm Beach County to provide
sexual services for him and his guests.
In a sworn statement, Ms Maxwell
refused to answer questions about
whether she saw Epstein with any un-
der age girls. She denied that she ever
had sex with Ms Giuffre, calling her a
Under questioning Ms Maxwell
stated: “Again, Virginia is absolutely to-
tally lying. This is a subject of defama-
tion about Virginia and the lies she has
Her lawyers did not respond to re-
quests for comment and there was no
response at her home in Belgravia, cen-
tral London.
The Duke of York has repeatedly de-
nied Ms Giuffre’s allegations. A Buck-
ingham Palace spokesman said: “Any
suggestion of impropriety with under-
age minors is categorically untrue.”

Jeffrey Epstein, left,
in 2000 with
Donald Trump and
his girlfriend (and
future wife) Melania
Knauss, and British
socialite Ghislaine
Maxwell above,
Epstein with the
Duke of York; top
right, Jennifer Araoz
claims Epstein
raped her when she
was just 15; right,
protesters outside
court in New York
last month


July 6 2019
Epstein arrested at a
private airport in
New Jersey. Days
later federal
prosecutors charge
him with sex-
trafficking involving
under-age girls. He
faces up to 45 years
in jail if convicted.

July 12 2019
President Donald
Trump’s labour
secretary Alexander
Acosta resigns amid
criticism of his
handling of the
2008 plea deal with

July 25 2019
Epstein is placed on
suicide watch after
being found days
before unresponsive
and with injuries to
his neck at the
Correctional Center
in New York City.

August 9 2019
A Manhattan court
releases 1,200 pages
of documents
relating to a 2015
defamation case
brought by Epstein’s
alleged victim
Virginia Giuffre,
formerly Roberts,
against his former
girlfriend, Ghislaine
Maxwell. They detail
lurid claims of
alleged abuse
carried out by

August 10 2019
Epstein is found
dead at the
Correctional Center.
The US Department
of Justice describes
the death as an
“apparent suicide”
and says the FBI is

August 12 2019
A second tranche of
documents relating
to the Guiffre v
Maxwell case is
due to be released.

Death of



final days

‘I hope the authorities will

prosecute his accomplices
and enablers, and ensure
redress for his victims’




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