Seaways – August 2019

(coco) #1

Captain John Lloyd FNI Chief Executive


Sharing expertise at an international level

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here is a lot of good work that goes on at the
IMO, and through our position as a NGO, we
are able to play an active role in much of it. In
an interview with IMO Secretary General Kitack
Lim on pp 12-13, we explore the ways in which we can
work together, and how the IMO is keen to work with
The Nautical Institute to hear from seafarers around the
world about what they really want.
Many of you will have read the news last month
of the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding
between our two organisations:
The Nautical Institute (NI) and the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) have signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) under which
the NI will support the IMO in helping developing
countries to meet international maritime standards.
The NI has agreed to lend its expertise in
professional development as part of the IMO’s
Integrated Technical Cooperation Programme (ITCP)
which seeks to build the capacity of Member States in
complying with maritime safety, security and marine
environment protection laws and standards.
Activities undertaken as part of the ITCP may
include: seminars, workshops and training courses,
needs assessment advisory missions, mentoring,
twinning, secondment and exchange programmes,
as well as professional leadership development.
I look forward to your ideas on how we can add
substance and meaning to this MOU with capacity-
building opportunities in your region.
The eff ectiveness of our relationship with the
IMO was reinforced by the analysis of how the
IMO goodwill ambassadors contribute to the key
messages the IMO has to share with the wider
maritime community. We should all be proud that our
four nominated ambassadors produced the highest
level of community interaction of all the NGOs and
Flag States. You serve the NI and the wider community
proudly and I am pleased to salute your work through
this medium.

Thanks to all four of our ambassadors:
O Sarabjit Butalia
O Berislav Vranic
O Nish Wijayakulathilaka
O George Hoyt
It was a particular pleasure for me to support the
presentation of George Hoyt at an IMO plenary session
where he explained the work of the ‘adoptaship’
programme and how this initiative helps connect
learners in schools with the maritime sector (see Seaways,
March 2018 for more information on this programme).
I share the view that promoting the maritime industry
and seagoing careers in a positive light will help us
attract and recruit the best talent for years to come.
Elsewhere in the IMO, we engage through the
‘Human Element Industry Group’ specifi cally formed
at the request of the Secretary General to help address
safety in the maritime sector through the collective
eff orts of the Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs).
The fi rst substantive piece of work of this group is to
revisit the Human Element checklist used to ensure
that regulations and codes of practice properly
consider how our seagoing staff might be impacted by
regulatory change. I am pleased to chair this group as
we work with and draw upon the collective expertise of
the other NGOs.
Some of our members are engaged in discussions
around the future of maritime training and
consideration of the skills we will need in the years
ahead. I am very pleased that The Nautical Institute is
working with maritime colleges from around the globe
to deliver a forum on ‘Re-thinking Maritime Training’.
The colleges are represented through the International
Association of Maritime Institutions (IAMI) and I look
forward to some new ideas, and debates aboard HQS
Wellington on 9 October.
If you are interested in attending or wish to share
some thoughts then please get in touch with me
through the usual address: [email protected] I will be
delighted to provide further details.

Promoting the

maritime industry

and seagoing

careers in a

positive light will

help us attract

and recruit the

best talent for

years to come.

Captain John Lloyd NI CEO (left) and
Juvenal J. M. Shiundu, Acting Director
Technical Cooperation Division IMO

Presenting Alert! to the
IMO Secretary General
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