Southern Home – September-October 2019

(Martin Jones) #1


a thread of light blue runs throughout the majority
of the home, adding a softness reflective of its
seaside location. Dorinda’s large collection of blue-
and-white ware, including numerous Canton pieces
she inherited from her parents, echoes the hues.
“Because the inside of the house is so outside—
thanks to all the windows—we didn’t feel like we
needed a separate covered outdoor area,” says
Peter. He opted instead for an alfresco living room
without a roof featuring a chimney that aligns
with the interior fireplace. A small pool reflects
the trees and architecture of the home.
“In school you learn food, clothing, and
shelter are basic needs. However, from these
have sprouted immense creativity,” says Peter.
“I think Dorinda is someone who likes to express
her creativity through architecture and comes
up with a house that very much matches where
she is in life at the moment.”
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