Old House Journal – September 2019

(Marcin) #1


Climate Seal
Climate Seal Acoustic Window Inserts are an ideal
choice for residential/historical applications.
Climate Seal can help reduce heating costs,
drafts, irritating noises (up to 50-80% reduction),
harmful ultraviolet rays.
877-773-7379; http://www.climateseal.com

Bagala Window Works, Inc.
Bagala Window Works, Inc. is the innovator,
manufacturer and sole distributor of the Steam
Stripper, a quicker, safer way to remove
lead-based paints and asbestos-filled glazing
compound from historic windows.
207-887-9231; http://www.bagalawindowworks.com

Bagala Window Works, Inc.
Bagala Window Works Inc, owns and operates
the classic Accurate machinery that has
been producing the best quality wood window
and door, metal-interlocking weatherstrip
for over 120 years.
207-887-9231; http://www.bagalawindowworks.com

Speedheater™ Infrared Paint Removers and
specialized Window Tools speed up DIYers and
professionals restoring windows without breaking
glass. No lead fumes. Gentle on wood.
703-239-7282; http://www.eco-strip.com

BLUE BEAR Paint Stripper is safer, eco-friendly
and effective without Methylene Chloride or
NMP. Using BLUE BEAR’s new Safenol™,
this stripper removes multiple layers of paint,
urethane, and more in one application!

Indow Window Inserts
Window inserts that instantly block cold drafts,
increase energy efficiency, and hush outside
noise. Award-winning design is compression
fit, non-damaging to your original
windows, and easy to install.
503-822-3805; http://www.indowwindows.com

The Handwerk Shade Shop
Crafting custom cotton spring roller shades
for more than 25 years.
503-659-0914; http://www.thehandwerkshop.com

Innerglass Window Systems
Custom glass interior storm windows for energy
conservation and soundproofing. An interior
storm that outperforms almost any replacement,
yet maintains the integrity and beauty of your
historic house. Invisible from the outside.
Perfect for screened porches, too.
800-743-6207; http://www.stormwindows.com

Bendheim Crown Bullion (Bullseye) Glass
This precious mouth-blown glass features the
characteristic subtle concentric rings and
bullseye center of authentic crown glass.
Available for purchase online.
800-221-7379, Opt. 3
Free download pdf