Inside Out – August 2019

(lu) #1


he crunch of gravel as you swing
your car into the drive is the
stuff garden dreams are made of.
Gravel conjures up images of languid
luxury, even if you’re not driving a sports
car or pulling up to a mansion. But a
crisply laid gravel driveway can quickly
turn into messy mayhem if it’s not done
correctly. Spreading stones, wheel-
spinning vehicles and errant weeds are
major pitfalls. Here’s what to think about
before you go down the path of gravel.


type of gravel
That’s right – all gravel is not made
equal. Decomposed granite (DG) is
a fine-textured mixture of silt and tiny
rocks formed from the erosion of solid
granite. Often a yellow-gold colour that
fades to tan, it’s affordable and easy to get
cars and strollers across. Decomposed
granite is sold as ‘natural’ or ‘stabilised’ –
the latter option is pricier but much
easier to walk or move over.
Pea gravel is made of rounded,
pea-sized stones, often in grey or sand-
coloured tones. Though it makes a great,
crunchy sound underfoot, pea gravel rolls
when you walk on it and can get stuck
in wheels. This makes it impractical
for high-traffic areas.
Crushed stone comes in a large variety
of colours from off-white to brown, and
also gives a satisfying crunch underfoot.
However, the jagged edges make it
unsuitable if small children or pets will
be using the driveway.


Keep an eye out for spreading gravel.
First, it looks messy. In addition, gravel
spilt onto an adjacent pathway can cause
people to slip over, and gravel in grass
can flick up in the lawnmower and hurt

someone or damage your windows.
Wood, stone and brick all work well as
edging materials. Bear in mind that wood
will need replacing every 10 years, and
stone and brick need to be set properly
in concrete to get the full benefits.


Gravel can stick to the soles of shoes
and result in scratched floors. Make sure
there’s another surface between the gravel
driveway and the entry of your home,
to give stones a chance to fall from shoes.
It’s also worth having a door mat at the
front door to shed any excess stones.


Creating a gravel driveway isn’t as
simple as pouring some stones onto a path

  • do that and you’ll sink straight into it.
    Proper preparation is essential.
    Gravel should be laid in a slight trench
    of about 10cm deep. Smooth and compact
    the soil, then lay about 10cm of hardcore
    (crushed stones) at the bottom of the
    trench to allow for drainage. Compact
    these with a sledgehammer, then lay
    weed membrane to prevent weeds with
    deep roots from sprouting.
    That’s the base; now it’s time for the
    gravel, which you should distribute evenly
    to a depth of 4-5cm. To lock the stones
    in place, cover it with a binding product.


How do you stop gravel spreading?
Well, you’ll need to rake it back into the
middle of the driveway regularly, and top up
any hollows or patches that have occurred.
You’ll also need to spray weedkiller or
hand-weed any shoots that might creep
in. A fresh layer of gravel every six months
or so will keep the colour looking fresh
and maintain that crunch!


Make sure
it stays out

Work from
a base

STONE AGE A well-laid
gravel driveway could add
thousands to your home’s
resale value. This property
in Sydney’s Freshwater was
built by Those Architects,
with landscaping by Terry
Boyle. As well as toning
in beautifully with the
sandstone cladding, the
gravel makes a comforting
cruncy sound on arrival.

Rake, weed
and top up
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