Artists Down Under – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Tell us a little about yourself and where you live.

I live on the Gold Coast in South East Queensland, Australia.

How did you become interested/get started in Photo Artistry?

I saw the Artistry magazine on Facebook and was very impressed with the work being done. After a bit of research I found the

Photoshop Artistry course and signed up.

What inspires you or gives you inspiration to create your art?

Inspiration is all around from viewing other works, listening to great music , particular scenes in movies that exude emotion

and sometimes just sitting and daydreaming.

Do you have a certain approach to creating your art?

Often I will have an idea for a piece and begin the process. More often than not the finished piece is nothing like my original

idea. I guess you could say creating on the fly is my often used approach.

What does your art mean to you?

Creating is a great way to relax. Very pleased when others like my work but the most enjoyement I get is the actual process

and when a piece is finished and I’m happy with the outcome.

Do you think since starting in Photo Artistry it has changed you and if so, how?

I’m not sure that it has changed me. I’ve always been interested in the creative side of photography. Photo artistry has given

me a platform to show my work and helped me develop skills to improve.

Is there anyone that you draw inspiration from?

No one person in particular.

Where do you see (or hope to see) your art taking you in the future? What are your next steps?

I haven’t really thought about the future of my art. Just really happy creating and being able to show my work.

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