Artists Down Under – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Tell us a little about yourself and where you live.

I grew up in Sydney at Gordon, attended Pymble College then did my Mothercraft training at Tresillian Willoughby before start-

ing to travel around Australia and finally came to live in Perth around 50 years ago!

My husband Ray and I live in a small retirement village in Perth, we have 11 grandchildren between us and 7 are here in Perth.

I have always had a camera since being a teenager but also loved dabbling in art. I have been a member of the Watercolour

Society of WA for around 10 years. I also joined the WA Camera Club 7 years ago, and I have come a long way with my photog-

raphy since then, I have learnt so much.

We love to travel and have done France quite a few times, in fact going back in 2020 for more! Also love India and going back

for my 3rd visit in December, just love the colour there, it’s a real feast for all my senses. Last year I was invited to host a

photography tour to China and we had a fabulous trip, leading my second tour this coming October and can’t wait to go back.

How did you become interested/get started in Photo Artistry?

I am not really sure how I found Photo Artristy online, but it was a few years ago. I guess it is the artist coming out in me and

always wanting to do something extra with my images. So much to do, so much to learn and there never seems enough hours

in the day to do all that I would like to do! So I just have to do a bit at a time, learn, never stop learning and I keep playing in


What inspires you or gives you inspiration to create your art?

I am always looking at other artists’ creations and then thinking what can I do to achieve that with one of my images. Checking

out the modules and working through them as time allows. Always dreaming about what I could do!

Do you have a certain approach to creating your art?

Not really it all depends on the image and what I feel about it and I generally have a play around, maybe in Topaz Studio to see

what effects I can get, or I have a huge storage of texture images that I also work with.

What does your art mean to you?

Being able to be creative is what really gets me motivated, I haven’t done much actual painting over the last year, because of

an eye problem, but that is really good now, so just starting back again with some really creative abstract work. I am happy

just to be creative be it with my photography or painting.

Do you think since starting in Photo Artistry it has changed you and if so, how?

Yes, it has made me more focused on being creative and making sure I have some ‘me’ time to work at it.

Is there anyone that you draw inspiration from?

I do love the work of Catherine Matthys, photographer also from Perth, as well as all the members of PA, Awake and Kaizan

whom I keep watching on the facebook pages.

Where do you see (or hope to see) your art taking you in the future? What are your next steps?

I need to keep focused on my artistic pursuits, learn more from the Awake modules, get more skilled in Photoshop, be more

adventuresome with my creating of artistic images, keep on taking lots of images to work with. Best of all is having so much

fun with what ever I am doing!

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