Artists Down Under – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Pros and Cons of three common framing methods:

Frame with mat and white margin
A classic way to frame is to leave a margin of plain paper between the print and the mat. At the bottom goes your signature and edition number, and
optionally the title and year.

Cons: matted prints are larger and use more frame mouldings and glass, so this makes them more expensive to frame. They can also look more “photo-
graphic” which might not be the effect you are looking for with your art.

Pros: you get to see some of the unadorned paper, which can often be quite beautiful if you’ve printed on fine-art paper. Matted prints are larger, which
can be a benefit if you’re looking for a bigger presence on the wall. It can also give the picture room to visually “breathe” within the frame.

Frame with mat and no margin
Similar to framing with a mat and margin, this method mats just over the edge of the print. The framer will need around a 3mm overlap between the
mat and the print. They can actually use a smaller tolerance but it’s more fiddly and they will curse you. Instead of signing underneath the print, you
sign on the print itself - make sure to leave enough tolerance so the signature is clear of the mat. (Note if you sell prints with your signature in the
margin, some customers will still choose to mat to the edge of the print and over the signature! Because I usually print-on-demand, I ask my customers
if they have a preference).

Cons: If your print has a strong edge effect, it might be noticeable that the mat is cutting out some of the picture.

Pros: your picture may suit not having a white margin, e.g., if it’s dark and moody, so matting over the edge of the print may be aesthetically more pleas-
ing. It may also make it appear more painterly.

So many choices of filet that can be used to elevate a frame into something unique and

Trying out possibilities at Edges Art + Framing. This frame is so gorgeous on its own, I
use it without a mat or filet.
Free download pdf