Artists Down Under – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

art exhibition

Congratulations to Margaret Kalms who was awarded as a “Finalist” in the recent “Nature” Art Exhibition
with the Art Room Gallery Online.

The second Art competition “ Nature” started in June 2019 and concluded on July 09, 2019. Art Room Gallery received entries from many countries
around the world: USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, United Kingdom, Japan, Italy, Guatemala, Romania, Hong Kong, Ireland, Czech Republic, and Poland.
The Nature theme in this competition included a diversity in types, styles and mediums (oil on canvas, acrylic, photography, mixed media, digital, glass,
bronze, pastel, pen and ink, watercolor, collage). The following evaluation criteria has been used for judging the artwork: creativity, interpretation of the
theme, originality and quality of art, overall design, demonstration of artistic ability, and usage of medium. Jury decided to select 72 artworks for inclu-
sion in the exhibition. Aside from First, Second, and Third place Jury also presented Merit awards and Honorable Mention awards.

Margaret wrote on her entry form, “Christmas Bells and Rainbow Baubles” is a playful image using Austral-

ian Christmas bell flowers (Blandfordia nobilis), a red insect and a butterfly in a composition to celebrate the

joy of Christmas. There has been a sun shower and the raindrops glow spectrum colours in the sunshine”.

Margaret Kalms

Margaret Kalms - Christmas Bells And Rainbow Baubles
Free download pdf