Artists Down Under – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

art group exhibition

Margaret Kalms

Margaret was thrilled to be part of the Marsden Art Group exhibition ‘Obscura’ at Splatter, Level 3, Westfield Shopping Mall, Belconnen ACT.

‘Ancient Australia with Trees’ is her response to controversy about Australia Day, acknowledging our First Nations’ continuous ancient heritage in
Australia. The full moon is engulfed by the Aboriginal flag while Aboriginal hand prints span the sky with mortar that is reminiscent of bars.

‘Tree in a Rainy Night’ is her response to Obscura, a play with light, space and time. The delicate lacy curtains veil the rainy night, graced by an old gum
tree silhouetted by the full moon and lights from a busy road.

Margaret is wearing one of her designs; a T-shirt dress.

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