Artists Down Under – August 2019

(やまだぃちぅ) #1


Week 26: 24 Jun 2019

Springboks (South Africa’s national animal) are known for the great height they reach when leaping into the air as they run from their foes (usually
the big cats, but also hyenas). They move in big herds, usually, grazing on the hoof. It is a tremendous sight to see them all on the run if a pride of
lions or cheetahs are after them. They “pronk” into the air on all fours, and then run all together in a sea of bodies, leaping high over bushes or
roads - even cars- to outrun the predators. Amazing stuff! I was on a photographic safari when I took this image, with a great wildlife photographer
called Hannes Lochner, who taught us all how to pan wildlife effectively.

Deborah Atkinson
Capetown, South Africa

Deborah Atkinson - Capetown, South Africa
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