
(Frankie) #1
GO FOR A (SUPER-SHORT) WALKThe word ‘walk’ can sound
intimidating, like the kind of activity that requires you to seek out
sensible footwear and fill a drink bottle with water. But never fear,
because we’re literally just suggesting a 20-second trundle to the
mail box, or a three-minute wander to the end of the street. Maybe
you can do more, but it really doesn’t matter. If walking is accessible
to you, then sometimes a super-quick stroll can make a difference.
It’s just about getting your limbs moving, your breath flowing, and
your head out of the house.

SCHEDULE IN TIME FOR SILLINESSA little-known fact, obscured
by the reality that we live in a world with jobs and rent and deadlines,
is that it’s totally acceptable to schedule in time forsupposedly ‘silly’
activities. As in, you should pull out your planner or calendar right
now, and set aside some time for thecompletely‘non-productive’
activities you enjoy, but struggle to justify. Dancing around your room
in a towel is a schedule-worthy activity, as isbuilding a cardboard
fort, teaching your dog to do a roly-poly, and learning all the lyrics
fromRent.Silliness should go in your calendar with a giant symbol
for ‘priority’, because otherwise you’re 20 weeks into the year, your hair
is falling out, and you can’t recall the last time you played hide-and-
seek with your imaginary cat.

MAKE A LIST OF NICE TYPESIf you’re stuck in an endless cycle
of stress, try sitting down to make a list of everyone you know who’s
more or less a good person. When you’re living life in the hell pit of
anxiety and pressure, it’s easy to see everyone as a frustrating pain
in the arse. This is why ‘we’ (that’s code for ‘me’) sometimes find
ourselves irrationally lashing out at partners, friends and strangers
in the supermarket. The obvious solution is to de-stress your entire
life, but until that happens, the small task of writing down names is
a helpful reminder that some people in the world are actually all right.

GET A BIT ORGANISEDDoes your underwear need to be colour-
coded? No. Could it be? Yes. There’s real value in the act of doing
things just because you can, especially when the task is strangely
visually satisfying and theoretically counts as ‘tidying up’. When life
is overwhelming, your space can turn into a literal nest of clutter
and trash, and frankly, that’s fine. If you have the energy to clean your
whole house, go for it. But if your bedroom’s a good 10 years away
from looking organised, just pick a tiny task and give it your attention
for a while. Alphabetise things that don’t need alphabetising. Change
the pillowcases on your bed. Arrange everything on your bedside
table or organise your pantry for no particular reason.

DRINK A LOT OF WATERThe next time you’re feeling unusually
horrible, try taking a few deep breaths and drinking a glass of water.
Two glasses, if the first one helps. Water and oxygen alone won’t
propel us into a glorious stress-free utopia, but they can propel

our bodies out of dehydration and into a state of relative calm.
If nothing else, when you’re drinking a glass of water, you’re giving
yourself a temporary reprieve from grinding your teeth, holding
your breath, clenching your jaw, or anything else you’ve been
doing subconsciously for the past five hours. While you’re at it, try
massaging the muscles around your jaw and in your forehead. Set
yourself an alarm to do this every few hours, because it feels good
and you deserve it.

WATCH CUTE ANIMAL VIDEOS Sometimes we need to step away
from the computer, but other times it’s best to lean right in. The
internet’s not a total pit of trolls and doom – it’s also home to one
of the world’s happiest, least stressful phenomenons: super-cute
animal videos. I don’t know who decided it would be a good idea
to tape cats crawling out of jumpers and turtles playing with dogs,
but that person is a genius, and together the universe has created
so much heart-warming animal content that we’re basically set for
life. Some people would call this activity ‘procrastination’, but really,
watching animal videos falls into the category of sensible self-care.

WEAR SOMETHING CHEERY Put on your fancy, happy, good-time
clothes, then free yourself from the obligation to go anywhere at all.
If make-up’s your thing, add that, too. Do whatever you do to your
hair to make yourself feel great, or something you’ve always thought
you should maybe try. And then: nothing. This is a no-pressure
activity, because dressing up doesn’t have to mean going out,
and sometimes it’s just nice to wear things that make you feel
fancy or strong or like a glorious queen. Flop on your bed and
watch four episodes of The Office, if you feel like it. They’re your
fancy clothes, and you can do whatever you like.


START A COMPLIMENT FILE When you’re feeling shitty, it’s hard
to remember that you’re actually a really great person with a pile
of redeeming traits. So, instead of relying on your memory to remind
you you’re worthy and awesome, ask your friends to do some of
the work for you. Screw any sense of shame and literally request
some reminders of the nice things people think about you, and the
reasons you’re a good friend. If that sounds like a nightmare, whip
out a pen and some paper and write the list yourself. Jot down
literally any kind words people have shared about you in person
or online, including but not limited to, “Thanks for lending me your
pencil sharpener,” and, “Your hair smells really nice.” Try not to
qualify happy memories by telling yourself they probably didn’t
mean it. They meant it, and you’re great.


HAVE A FOOT BATH If you’re the proud owner of a bucket, a tap,
and maybe even some Epsom salts, then you’re well on the way
to one of the world’s most glorious and slightly absurd relaxation
activities, otherwise known as the foot bath. A full bath is great, but
it’s also a bit of a commitment, and if you’re living with tank water
or in drought, it’s not exactly resource-friendly. The foot bath, on the
other hand, requires less water than it takes to wash a few loads
of dishes, and, even better, makes you feel like you’re visiting a day
spa. Spray some perfume in the air and you’re basically getting
a luxury relaxation experience for free. Plus, it grounds you in space
for a while, because it’s just plain difficult to get up and attend
to life’s busy-work when your feet are sopping wet.

GET LOWSo much of our time is spent crumpled up in chairs
or standing on our feet, resisting gravity. This little activity is about
giving in to the universe and letting gravity take you to the ground,
so your muscles can chill out for a bit. If you have access to a patch
of grass and it’s not rainy, windy or overbearingly warm, then go
have a little lie down outside. Getting horizontal can change your
blood pressure and breathing in ways that just feel good, especially
when you’re lying in the sun and watching clouds in some idyllic
re-enactment of a summer picnic. If you can’t get outside, though,
the regular inside ground will be just fine for lying on, too.

a few ways to be

kind to yourself




Wor d s Sam Prendergast

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