
(Frankie) #1
Find pockets of time. If you're a parent,
carer, working full-time or studying, it can
be difficult to find long stretches of time to
dig into or even start a creative project. Find
pockets of time in your schedule where you
can chip away, taking little steps toward your
big goal.Clear your space, clear your mind.
If you’re feeling scatterbrained or overwhelmed,
it may be because your workspace is messy
or disorganised. The simple notion of 'outer
order, inner calm' rings true, and there’s
something meditative and creative to the
practice of organising and tidying. Dig for the
root.When you have a creative block or you’re
procrastinating, try digging deep and ask
yourself why. What’s really blocking you from
starting or wanting to start? Is it because you
feel intimidated, or scared, or ashamed to ask
for help, or unoriginal? Getting to the root can
help you get past that block. Listen, read, talk.
Take any opportunity to listen to, read about, or
talk with others about creativity. Other people’s
stories can unlock realisations and solutions in
your mind that have been lying in wait.

Be your own muse. Often people think a muse
is going to come and tap them on the shoulder,
purring, “I’m here with your creative inspiration,
champ!” But in reality, creativity usually comes
from simply showing up and putting the old nose
to the grindstone. Doing this on the reg sparks a
kind of creative fluency that makes you... your own
muse! How good is that? Pay attention, please.
There are all kinds of gems lurking, if you prime
yourself to take them in. Eavesdrop; look for
colours and patterns; read a lot; notice interactions
around you; zoom in on little details; seek out the
heart of things as you go about your day. These are
the seeds of fresh creative work, and spark fresh
thought patterns, too. Embrace your weirdness.
It’s tempting to think commercially or conservatively,
and tag along with popular creative trends, but
interpreting ideas in your own unique way results
in better work – and much more splendid feels.
So, try not to follow the pack. Keep things loose.
Goofing off is a really important part of coming up
with bright ideas and boosting creative energy, so
make sure you don’t fill every hour of your day with
very important structured tasks, binge-watching
and endless scrolling. Let your mind wander
as often as possible.



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