says Chauffard. First, Cloud Manage-
ment and Operations focuses on the
ongoing cloud asset management.
“To support cloud, you need a whole
operating model and the associated
talent transformation, and that’s often
one of the biggest issues for our cli-
ents,” he explains. Ensuring communi-
cation and effectively managing talent
while avoiding silos is crucial to
a successful reincarnation of a com-
pany’s cloud management strategy.
Second is Cloud Optimisation: ensur-
ing everything from weighing the ca-
pabilities of a company’s architecture
against the services the company
has, to advanced and ongoing optimi-
sation techniques. Third is Consump-
tion Management and Consolidation.
“We’ve moved to an ongoing consump-
tion world, so buying and sourcing
becomes an ongoing process,” says
Chauffard. A company’s capability
to manage its consumption of cloud
resources efficiently not only reduces
cost and administrative work, but also
Year founded
Approximate number
of employees