It’s clear that DHHS’s digital transfor-
mation approach has had a transforma-
tive impact on the ways Victorians can
interact with the department and draw
on its resources. For Hodgkinson, the
role of the CIO as it pertains to digital
transformation is that of the catalyst.
“People have a propensity to want to try
and solve the whole of the problem
- until they can see a way to solve for the
whole then they don’t even get started.
The agility that is possible using today’s
cloud services platforms means that, as
long as you’ve got a sufficient awareness
of the big picture and where it can go
to, the most important thing is to get
started, deliver something and iterate
upon it as opposed to agonising forever
over trying to solve for the whole
integrated solution. I like to say that
‘startegy is usually the best strategy’.
Getting started and learning fast is
often better than spending too long
strategising and failing to actually get
around to doing.”