Gigabit Magazine – August 2019

(Wang) #1

touch-points is the benchmark, and
disruptive business models are further
raising the bar.
The UK business is Salesforce’s #1
market in EMEA and we have signifi-
cantly grown our presence in recent
years. Over the next five years,
Salesforce is committed to supporting
the growth of Britain as a hub of
technology excellence. As the pace
of innovation and demand for digital
talent increases, UK companies need
to empower both current and potential

teams with the tools to learn. As
advocates of workforce development
for all and creators of the free online
learning platform, Trailhead, Salesforce
plans to take a leading role in making
digital skills more accessible.

What advice would you give to
a business looking to enhance
and reinvigorate its customer
Increasingly, customers do not settle
for fragmented experiences and
expect brands to know and care about
them. Embracing new technologies
and utilising AI allows companies to
stay a cut above. AI helps companies
to understand how and when to
engage with customers to drive loyalty
through higher-quality experience,
leading to improved business perfor-
mance. Leveraging AI to drive the most
relevant mix of product and channel
recommendations to optimise channel
engagement and customer satisfaction
is just one way to enhance and
invigorate customer relationships.

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