The English Garden – September 2019

(coco) #1

In 2016, the plant
centre that had
previously dominated
the walled garden was
closed and a new garden
created in its place. In collaboration with the garden
designer Angel Collins, Jim and Sarah seized the
opportunity to move away from the formality in the
rest of the walled garden and designed the Tapestry
Garden, which is made up of curving beds and
intertwining gravel paths to allow visitors to become
immersed in the planting. “I was very keen to have
single plants, or small groups of three, that are much
more interwoven than they are in the herbaceous
borders to give a tapestry eect,” explains Sarah.
“We have also underplanted spring bulbs and
perennials, such as dicentras and pulmonarias,
to provide layers of seasonality.” The height and
varied foliage of Gillenia trifoliata, sanguisorbas,
veronicastrums and the ripening hips of Rosa

Above The herbaceous
borders oer a typically
Scottish riot of colour.
Left The textured beauty
of the Tapestry Garden.
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