Today’s Dietitian – August 2019

(Nandana) #1


CPE Monthly Examination

  1. Clean eating could be defined in which of the following
    a. It’s completely unclear.
    b. Eating food that’s free from dirt, marks, or stains
    c. A collection of healthful eating habits
    d. Following a Mediterranean diet

  2. What is orthorexia?
    a. Another word for binge-eating disorder
    b. A condition that includes symptoms of obsessive
    behavior in pursuit of a healthful diet
    c. A condition rooted in striving for physical perfection
    and thinness
    d. A condition classified as an official eating disorder in
    the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor-
    ders (DSM)

  3. Clean eating is a diet trend that:
    a. Was first mentioned in the 1980s.
    b. Is listed in the DSM associated with orthorexia
    c. Has two possible definitions that can’t be agreed on.
    d. Was one of the most popular diets in 2017.

  4. According to the food classification system presented by
    Monteiro and colleagues, which of the following is true?
    a. Group 1 foods are ultraprocessed.
    b. Group 1 foods contain three ingredients or fewer.
    c. Group 1 foods are considered unprocessed.
    d. Group 3 foods are the most healthful.

  5. Which of the following is true about the Dietary
    Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet eating plan?
    a. It’s been found to result in significant decreases in
    systolic and diastolic blood pressure and in total and
    LDL cholesterol.
    b. It’s been found to result in significant decreases in
    systolic and diastolic blood pressure with no clinically
    significant changes in total and LDL cholesterol.
    c. It’s been found to result in an improvement in immune
    response because of improvements in blood pressure.
    d. It’s been found to result in significant decreases in
    systolic and diastolic blood pressure, A1c, and
    C-reactive protein.

  6. A study presented in the British Journal of Nutrition by
    Staudacher and colleagues found that following a gluten-
    free diet when not medically necessary may have draw-
    backs, including which of the following?
    a. Social isolation and possible development of an eating

b. A deficiency in carbohydrate intake
c. A deficiency in many major micronutrients
d. A reduction in happiness scores

  1. According to the study in the journal Appetite by Barnett
    and colleagues, some consumers use which of the follow-
    ing types of food choices as socially acceptable ways to
    restrict their diets?
    a. Conventionally grown foods
    b. Locally sourced foods
    c. Foods from the Paleo diet plan
    d. Foods from the fruitarian diet

  2. A study by Eisinger-Watzl and colleagues suggests that:
    a. There was no significant difference in dietary pat-
    tern between people who purchased organic food and
    those who didn’t.
    b. People who purchased organic food consumed about
    the same amount of fresh produce but less meat and
    fewer soft drinks as did people who purchased con-
    ventional foods.
    c. People who purchased organic food consumed more
    fruits and vegetables but equal amounts of meat as
    people who purchased conventional foods.
    d. People who purchased organic food consumed more
    fruits and vegetables yet less meat and soft drinks
    than did people who purchased conventional foods.

  3. A study by Bradbury and colleagues on the consump-
    tion of organic food intake found which of the following to
    be tr ue?
    a. Little or no decrease in the incidence of cancer except
    possibly for non-Hodgkin lymphoma
    b. A slightly increased risk of cancer in those who chose
    organic foods most of the time
    c. A slightly reduced risk of cancer in those who chose
    organic foods most of the time
    d. Little or no decrease in the incidence of cancer in
    those who chose organic foods most of the time

  4. What is the first step RDs should take when helping cli-
    ents who want to try a clean eating diet?
    a. Educate them that many people who follow a clean
    eating pattern develop anorexia.
    b. Inform them that clean eating has no real meaning
    and that there’s no specific clean eating diet.
    c. Inquire as to how they heard about clean eating, what
    it means to them, and what they hope to get out of it.
    d. Advise them to try the DASH diet.

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48 today’s dietitian august 2019

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