Photoshop User – August 2019

(Jacob Rumans) #1

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Who’s Who in the KelbyOne Community: Carla Farris

Carla Farris has always enjoyed taking photographs. In 2000, she decided to learn all she could about the
basics. She found photographers whom she admired and tried to learn all about how they captured their
images. She uses her photography as an escape from her everyday life, doing office work. Free time and
vacations are dedicated to photographing the great outdoors. Although she enjoys all types of photogra-
phy, her passion is in wildlife and landscape photography. She always tries to get something different from
the ordinary. You can find her shooting from the middle of streams, inside rock formations, or anywhere
she can make an interesting photograph.

What would you like to achieve in the future with
your photography, and how is KelbyOne helping
you with that journey?
I’d love to be able to explore more of our national parks
and capture the beauty around me in that perfect light.
I aspire to find that perfect shot, one that hasn’t been
seen before, something different. I also spend a lot of
time photographing wildlife, trying to capture action
shots that show the personality, as well as behavior of
the animal in its environment.
I want to continue to learn about different types
of photography. Currently, I’m trying to learn from
Kaylee Greer’s classes how to capture those incredible
dog shots. In addition, I’m watching Erik Kuna’s class on
PhotoPills so I can learn to plan out perfect shots. I’m
also studying more about weather to help with anticipat-
ing that great light.

Finally, tell us about your gear!
The photograph on the cover was shot with the Nikon
D200 and a Nikon 18–70mm lens. I always use and carry
a set of Singh-Ray ND filters (a 2-stop hard and soft, and
a 3-stop hard and soft), along with my polarizer and a
Cokin P Filter Holder. At the time I took this photograph,
I was using a Bogen tripod with the legs extended out.
I have since upgraded to the Nikon D500, and my main
lens for landscapes is the Nikon 18–135mm. I shoot a lot
of my wildlife photographs with my Tamron 150–600mm.
Along with my tripod, I also carry a Platypod Pro. n

Congratulations on getting your image on the cover
of this issue of the magazine. Can you tell us a little
about the photograph?
Thank you very much for this opportunity. This image
was taken in Bandon, Oregon, at Face Rock State
Scenic Viewpoint. I took a photo tour in 2006 to try
to learn how to successfully use graduated neutral
density filters (GNDs). I had some success but wanted
to go back, so in 2007, I scheduled another trip. Once
we got to the beach, I headed out away from the
group to find some of the “sand ripples.” Everybody
(including the tour leader) was laughing at me as the
water came up and swirled around me. I would just
lift the camera to let the water roll back out and was
ready to shoot again. This was a perfect night and
I had found some great ripples! This was taken with
a 2-stop hard GND and a 3-stop soft GND.

What do you enjoy most about photography?
There are lots of things that I enjoy about photograph-
ing, including seeing some of the most beautiful places
and trying to find something different. I enjoy watching
animals in their environment and trying to capture the
magic in what I see. Although they’re getting harder to
find, I enjoy being in locations where there are no cell
phones, internet, etc.—just nature. I also enjoy going
over photographs when I get home and figuring out the
best way to process them, and learning new techniques
to bring out the beauty in something I was a part of.
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