The Writer - 10.2019

(Joyce) #1

42 | The Writer • October 2019


Information in this section is provided to
The Writer by the individual markets and
events; for more information, contact
those entities directly.

ANIMAL WELLNESS Natural pet magazine
aimed at helping pet owners make wise health-
care choices for animal companions. Accepting
articles of 500-1,500 words. Particularly interested
in submissions for Animal Passages, Warm &
Fuzzy, and Tail End columns. Submit via email.
Contact: Animal Wellness, 160 Charlotte St.,
Suite 202, Peterborough, ON, Canada K9J 2T8.
866-764-1212. [email protected]

THE BARK Publication for dog lovers covering
canine nutrition, culture, obedience, and gear.
Accepts unsolicited submissions and previously
published material. Accepts short pieces (fewer
than 600 words) on general tips, how-to, and
other topics, as well as some fiction, personal
essays, and poetry. Contact: Claudia Kawczynska,
editor, The Bark, 2810 Eighth St., Berkeley, CA

  1. [email protected]

BIRDWATCHING Bimonthly magazine for fans
of wild birds and birdwatching. Topics include
untold stories about birds and bird behavior; first-
person accounts; birds in the news; birding
hotspots; tips for attracting, feeding, and identify-
ing birds; photo essays; first-person narratives
about finding rare birds; history of ornithology and
birdwatching. Send queries by email or regular
mail. Contact: Editorial Dept., BirdWatching Mag-
azine, 25 Braintree Hill Office Park, Suite 404,

Braintree, MA 02184. [email protected]

THE HORSE Monthly magazine about equine
health care, focusing on educational topics and
news for professional horse owners. No unsolic-
ited material accepted. Submit resume and writing
samples before sending a manuscript. Contact:
Stephanie Church, editor-in-chief, P.O. Box
919003, Lexington, KY 40591.
[email protected]

International online and weekly magazine cover-
ing a wide range of issues and events. Features
articles on domestic and foreign affairs, econom-
ics, education, environment, law, media, politics,
lifestyle trends, women’s rights, family issues,
community, personal finance, careers, education,
books, art, travel, cultural commentary, occa-
sional poetry, and more. Seeks news for print,
email, and online editions. See website for guide-
lines. Contact: The Christian Science Monitor,
210 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, MA 02115. 617-
450-2300. See website for editor email addresses.

HARPER’S MAGAZINE Oldest general-inter-
est monthly in America features articles on poli-
tics, environment, society, and culture. Also
interested in fiction. Written queries required for
nonfiction articles. Will accept unsolicited fiction
manuscripts. Submit by regular mail only.
Monthly. Contact: Harper’s Magazine, 666 Broad-
way, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10012. 212-420-


Niche mags

Many writers think only of the big-name magazines as outlets to pub-
lish work. But smaller magazines that specialize in a niche market are
often looking for solid writers to contribute to each issue.

The magazines in this section are a small sampling of what the industry
has to offer. Find more market listings at

MOTHER JONES Independent journalism
publication focusing on national topics including
social and political issues, environmental issues,
corporate wrongdoing, human rights, and politi-
cal influence. Accepts queries by email or regular
mail. Contact: Mother Jones, P.O. Box 584, San
Francisco, CA 94104. 415-321-1700. See website
for editor email addresses.

THE NATION Publishes articles and comments
on politics and culture from a liberal perspective.
National affairs of interest include civil liberties,
civil rights, labor, economics, environmental,
political, and feminist issues. International affairs
topics include political, economic, and social
developments. Submit query via form on website.
Accepts some poetry; see separate poetry guide-
lines. Weekly. Contact: The Nation, 520 Eighth
Ave., New York, NY 10018. Email from website.

REASON “Free Minds and Free Markets.” Pub-
lishes articles on politics, economics, culture, and
science from a broad-minded libertarian perspec-
tive. Email and regular mail queries only; include
published clips. No manuscripts. Monthly. Con-
tact: Brian Doherty, Reason, 5737 Mesmer Ave.,
Los Angeles, CA 90230. 310-391-2245.
[email protected]

WASHINGTON MONTHLY Publishes topical,
informative articles about politics, government,
culture, and the media in the U.S. Seeks features,
short news items, humorous sidebars, and book
reviews for political and cultural titles. Submit
queries by email or regular mail. Bimonthly. Con-
tact: Washington Monthly, 1200 18th St. NW, Ste.
330, Washington, D.C. 20036. 202-955-9010.

YES! Magazine focuses on building a more sus-
tainable, compassionate world. Each issue has a
theme but also covers topics such as health, climate
change, globalization, labor, social, and racial jus-
tice. Submit queries and proposals with published
clips or a writing sample. Prefers electronic queries.
Contact: YES! Magazine, 284 Madrona Way NE,
Suite 116, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110.
[email protected]

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