Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

the temperature of a conference suite
according to the number of occupants.
Big Data is helping us drive efficiencies
here, and offer a customized experience
for our employees.”
Looking at trends across the procure-
ment panorama, Traskos is enthused
by the way data accessible via user
friendly dashboards is enabling category
managers like Sultan Bajwa to make
quick decisions on her team, both on
a tactical and strategic basis. “All of the
data provided via IoT sensors can lead
us towards greater savings. For example,
the ability to look at energy consumption
by floor helps us streamline processes
and become more cost efficient.”

Sustainable procurement is a top
priority for Dentsu Aegis Network in
2019 and beyond. “We’re getting the
message out there to make sure our
suppliers understand how important
it is,” confirms Traskos. “Source-to-Pay
can help us set up the initial relationship.
From the initial RFP, a supplier will see
Dentsu’s statement on sustainable
procurement, they see how much of
the scoring is based on them having
a verifiable sustainable procurement
program within their organization, and
how they should align with the UN
SDGs (United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals). Once they
become a supplier, we communicate

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