Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
he global perception of the supply chain
has undergone a revolution over the past
decade. What was once a series of
independent nodes in a scattered network
of buyers and suppliers conducting transactional
deals has transformed into something far more
delicate, complex and effective. “Organizations
are becoming more sophisticated in the supply
chain space. As they become better at supply
chain and inventory management, they’re becoming
more aware of the opportunities associated with
the supply chain becoming more interdependent
and approached from an end-to-end perspective,”
says Amber Jesic, General Manager, Supply
Chain, Americas at Armacell. “The increasing
availability of real-time reporting and visibility,
as well as increasing customer expectations,
has certainly caused supply chains to evolve in
recent years.” As the global supply chain industry
changes, this newfound maturity opens up
avenues for companies to fulfil ambitions and
live up to core values in new ways.


Amber Jesic, General Manager,
Supply Chain, Americas at Armacell
discusses using technology to
pursue best sustainable practice
in the company’s supply chain



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