Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
As a global leader in the insulation
market, Armacell’s products are vital
to making projects in the construction
and manufacturing space more energy-
efficient, and therefore sustainable.
For Jesic, her role at Armacell was the
perfect fit. “Sustainability is not only
personally important to me, but it’s
also the basis of how Armacell
operates,” she says. “The company
has a culture of global collaboration
and innovation that was appealing and
they’re also open to change. I saw the
role as a chance to make contributions
to the organization, and an opportunity

Amber Jesic,
General Manager, Supply Chain,
Americas, Armacell

“ Sustainability
is not only
important to
me, but also
the basis of
how Armacell

Elastomeric foam sheets and rolls are stored before shipping
out of Armacell’s component foam plant in Conover, NC



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