Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1

process of doing business with
Armacell, predominantly through EDI
integration, but also through our
digitalization efforts regarding load
planning and shipment consolidation
to reduce miles travelled and con-
dense shipments,” Jesic explains.
As a company that has never been
afraid to carve its own way using the
latest technological developments on
offer, Jesic points out that Armacell is
watching the development and testing
of autonomous freight vehicles with
great interest. “They can definitely
drive sustainability benefits,” she says.

Amber Jesic,
General Manager, Supply Chain,
Americas, Armacell

“ Beyond the
benefits we seek
to realize through
technology, we also
are committed
to best practices
that impact the

The modern supply chain is becoming more collaborative and
interconnected. As Jesic notes, “multifaceted partnerships are
much more common. We work with our suppliers to develop
mutually beneficial plans for the management, inventory
management as well as delivery.” Founded in 1974, Shintech has
grown to become a leader in its field in much the same way as
Armacell. It is currently the largest producer of PVC in the US and
has been partnered with Armacell for more than five years. “Their
consistent service has been an asset to our business,” says Jesic.


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