Business Chief USA – August 2019

(Nora) #1
“Autonomous trucks will let you better
handle fuel usage, there’s less starting
and stopping, you can have a bigger
fuel tank without a driver, and of
course an autonomous truck will be
able to provide much more accurate
track and trace capabilities.” 
Gathering data from a fleet of
autonomous trucks may be years
away for Armacell, but Jesic stresses
how vital data from other sources has
become for the company today, and
the importance of having the analytics
to draw actionable insights. “We’re in
the design and development phase
of using forecasting tools that will
provide predictive analytics which will
be used in our production planning
and inventory management to better
service our customers,” she explains. 
As the leader in the $13.5bn
equipment insulation market, Armacell
is constantly striving to pursue its
multi-pillar growth strategy. Its
dedicated R&D teams are continually
driving the company’s portfolio growth
of intellectual property, having more
than doubled the number of patents in
the company’s name over the past five
years. Looking to the future, Jesic is



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